in the corner taking up space

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Dia yawned as they hopped out of their fathers car, smiling softly as Irene ran over to them and grabbed their hands.

"Oh my god Dia everyone's going crazy over the new guy!" She told them as she tugged them inside.

"What.. why?" Dia questioned following her lead.

Irene giggled. "You're so blind. he's so look hotttt that's why" she snickered fanning her face.

Dia huffed. "he's not? He's all sweaty and looks like he hasn't bathed in weeks" they said, smiling and raising a hand to wave at Red Stone who would always volunteer to carry Dia's bag.

Dia was taken back when Red simply waved back and spun around to drop his arm around a dark haired boy

"Ugh of course." Dia spat seeing Red sucking up to Rite.

Irene sighed. "that's just Red, he will hang with anyone who he thinks will get him the girls" she promised Dia, bumping them with her elbow. "Forget about it, go get changed for gym!" She smiled before ducking off

Dia chewed their lip, looking away from Red and turning to head down to the gym.


Rite glanced over his shoulder then back to Red. "Who is that guy in the sweater vest..?" He asked Red casually. "He keeps looking at me funny" he commented

Red glanced at him. "That's Dia." He nodded "I've known THEM since middle school, they're dad's superrrrr rich" he explained to him

Rite cocked his head. " Why the fuck did you say 'them' like that?" He asked.

Red narrowed his eyes. "That's their pronouns, don't be rude about it or I can't hang out with you" he warned. "And I'm pretty popular so you wanna hang out with me" he lied

Rite hummed. "I won't I won't, I may be a dick but I'm not a dick" he smiled and Red grinned.

"Great, now c'mon let's go change, it's your first day of gym" Red smiled cheerfully.


Dia rubbed the back of their neck as the sun beat down on them.

Almost dozing off as Irene helped apply sun block to their shoulders.

"Hey.. you think Red will still eat lunch with me" Dia asked, missing the red heads constant chatting as he watched Red run about with the dodge ball.

Irene frowned. "O-of course he will! He loves you!" She promised, turning them around to gently rub sun block across their lightly burnt nose

Dia looked down with a frown. "No one has talked to me today.. It's bugging me" they muttered, watching Rite play with Red enviously.

Irene grumbled. "Shut up you spoilt brat" she warned flicking their forehead as she stood up. "You're always the talk of the town, as if a dirty guy like him will be more likable then you!" She assured, before running off to join the rest of the girls team.


A few hours had passed. Dia still sat on the bench, not wanting to get involved with sports.

"Oi why don't you play" Rite hummed plonking down beside them and pouring his water bottle on his face, pushing his greasy black hair back.

Dia didn't look at him. "Im not fit. And i don't want to be on the guy's team." They said simply.

Rite smiled. "Fair enough.." he said watching them, gaze being pulled away as Red jogged up and slung his arm over his shoulders.

"Dude c'mon, the girl's have invited you to have lunch with em behind the bleachers" Red winked and pulled Rite to his feet to drag him off

Rite smirked and saluted to Dia who gave him an unimpressed look. "Red, you eat at my table though" he called

Red paused. " Oh uh- yeah it's just for today I promise!!" He called as he slipped around behind the school building.

Dia swallowed the lump in their throat, pushing to their feet and walking inside quickly, not bothering to wait for Irene to finish her game..

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