Oh i want you, i don't know if i need you

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Dia sat down at their usual table, pushing their hair back as they starred at their lunch. 'Why was no one here' they wondered, used to having half the school trying to sit with them.

"Yo dude did you see what's going down outside!" Coby Cobblestone yelled as he ran up to Andy Andersite. "The new kid's totally making out with Goldy Ingot behind the bleachers" he snickered. "Rites gonna have some real trouble if you know who finds out" he whispered glancing at Dia

'No fucking way' Dia thought glancing out the window and frowning. They and Goldy had dated for a whole year, was she really into guy's like Rite? He hadn't even been here a week!

Dia pushed to their feet, leaving their food on the table as he walked outside and towards the bleachers across the field, ready to beat the life outta this punk. Who did he think he was.


Dia didn't take their eye's off the bleachers as they pushed past a group of girls bickering about Rite.

Dia stepped behind the bleachers quickly, glaring down the back against the wall at Nite who was passionately making out with Goldy who latched onto him desperately.

Dia pulled back their lip in disgust. "Oi dick head" they snapped, drawing Rites attention.

Rite side glanced at him, not taking his lips from Goldy as he gave a curious look

Dia sneered. "Stop kissing a girl you just met you're disgusting" they warned. "You're acting cocky, like you own the place. when you just moved here. So fucking stop it. I'm top dog here and you're pissing me off"
They snapped.

Rite smirked, pulling his lips from Goldy and running his hand through her blonde hair as he looked at her.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt the rich boys feelings" he hummed, wanting to stir them up. "gonna get daddy to get me expelled?" He hummed, twirling a ringlet of Goldys hair on his finger as he looked at Dia with glowing yellow eye's

Dia narrowed their eye's. "Shut your damn mouth you bastered" they warned, a crowd gathering atop the bleachers.

Rite pushed to his feet and helped Goldy up. "Ill see you soon" he said giving her a last kiss before she ducked away nervously.

Dia walked towards him. "Don't talk to her like that I'll knock your teeth in" they warned coming face to face with him.

Rite smiled and raised his hands. "I did nothing of the sort! She asked if I'd go to the disco with her and I accepted" he said simply, narrowing his eyes as Dia grabbed his collar and glared up at him.

"Stop being so cocky. You're nothing." Dia warned.

"C'mon Dia don't be a party pooper!! It's just teen romance" girl's called from above them.

Dia flinched when they heard them defend Rite, letting go of his collar and stepping back quickly. "W-What ever don't do it again" they said quickly turning away. 'Had they joined his side so quickly, what did he have that Dia didn't' they worried.

Rite put his hands in his pockets as he watched Dia walk off back towards the school building. "Alright parties over folks, who wants to come eat lunch with me" he hummed, following off across the field..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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