Chapter 3

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'Oh wait, you're.... the guy that the princesses wanted to get to know so much. What's your name  sir? I'm y/n l/n , nice to meet you.' She said. The boy seemed shocked. It's his first to be greeted by a girl. ' I'm Free De La Hoya from BC Sol. Nice to meet you too, I guess' he replied. ' wait BC Sol? I only invited the royal family. Could it be you're one of them? She asked. ' well I am it's heir' he said chuckling a bit. The princess looked so cute and innocent to him. 'What? You're the prince? Oh I'm so sorr for not recognising you your highness' she said bowing a bit. She looked so nervous. ' how can I didn't recognised the prince of BC Sol?' She thought. ' no  need to bow, I'm not comfortable with it.' He said. 'Oh ok' the girl obeyed.

' do you mind? The prince said. ' hmmm what?' The girl asked back. ' I kinda prefer quietness and privacy more in a chat, so how about to go to the garden?' He said. ' oh sure, let's go.' She aggreed. Little that they know the king and queen were watching at them while smiling.


'Heh, your garden's a nice place.' Free said. ' thanks'. Y/n said while sitting on a swing. ' oh, did you come alone here?' She asked. 'No I came here with my parents,dragged by them actually. I never liked parties.' He said, looking at the stars. ' me too, it's...' the girl stopped for a while. 'Boring!' They both said at the same time. ' haha looks like we have lots of things in common.' Free said. 'Yea I can see that' y/n said. But I organised this ball 'cause it's my father's last wish. I don't want to dissapoint him, so I did this for him.' Y/n said smiling sadly. 'I know and I'm sorry princess.' He said kneeling in front of her, holding her hand in his. ' aheh don't be too formal just call me y/n, let's continue.' She said. ' okay and just call me Free.' He said. And they had a good chat that night and the star were shining brightly about them, blessing their new friendship.....

To be continued....

Ok done for this chapter, so enjoy.... bye!

Author out~

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