Chapter 4

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After the ball, lot's of men waiting in the ballroom to get the princess's hand in marriage. The king is also waiting. After a couple of minutes, heard a laugh from the entrance of the room. It was y/n and Free! "So good night y/n, I should be at my room now." Free said. " okay bye Free" y/n said. " bye y/n" he said leaving with a wave.

The guys in the room were mad because they thought the princess had already chose someone. " wait young man, what's your name?" The king suddenly asked Free, making him stop his pace. " I'm Free De La Hoya, sire." Free replied. "Where are you from?" The king asked. " I'm from BC Sol" Free said. " De La Hoya? BC Sol? Then I assume you're Prince Free of BC Sol then." The king said with a warm smile. Free just nodded in return.

"You're not participating for the princess?" The king asked. " No sire, I just met the princess, How can I marry her? Besides I'm engaged to someone I don't know." Free replied. Y/n looked sad when he said that. The king noticed this. "I see, how about you find out who's your fiancee is?" The king said with a meaningful smirk. Free got confused. Even y/n too. " I will, I better get going." He then turned to y/n. " bye y/n see you tomorrow." He said. " bye" y/n said whispering. ' why do I feel sad to know he's engaged?' She thought.

Not long after that, the contest began. But in the end, no one was picked. Y/n kept thinking about Free.

As for Free, he kept recalling his chat with y/n that night. Her cute face when she pouts,her shining hair in the moonlight, all about her makes his heart beat faster. As he was busy dreaming, there was a knock on the door.

He went and opened to saw the king. " your highness? Anything I can help you with?" Free said a little shocked. " I've asked your parents about your fiancee, you really don't remember her?" The king said. " Did I've met her before?" Free raised an eyebrow. " you met her when you were little" the king said. He then suddenly recalled a girl he missed so much. His friend that he doesn't even know where she is now. But the girl looked exactly like y/n. " y/n?" He said.
" true, I forgot that I already engaged her to you. I remember it when I look at the ring on your finger. It's the same as y/n's." The king said. Free then felt happy as he knew this. This meant y/n is her future wife. Free just smiled at the thought.

To be continued...

Okay thats the fourth chapter.... enjoy!
Bye guys.

Author out~

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