Chapter 2 Nightmares Come

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When I got home, the house was empty, and had an eerie feel. Though I lived in a trailer, it had a weird feel whenever i was alone, sometimes it felt as if someone’s eyes were watching you and waiting for a chance to snatch you up and take your soul.

As my thoughts had come to an end, the door busted open and Nile, my annoying little brother, hopped threw the door and decided the living room would be a great place to store his school stuff. He hoped ever to the couch and sat on the other side of the couch. We went through our usual routine of me asking about homework then giving him the hypocritical talk about how he should do his homework. He never did it but I was sure he would eventually get it.

We spent a solid two hours watching television, before my dad stomped his way in. He was callused and bruised from head to toe, from the long hours he spent at work. As soon as his foot touched the floor, he headed to the kitchen to cook Hamburger Helper. The food was cooking and the magnificent aroma filled this house. I watched as the ground beef turned from a raw red to a healthy brown before it was lathered with the Hamburger Helper mix. The wait for something filling and delectable was killing me.

“Supper is ready!” roared my father without a hint of emotion. The plastic plates were set out all ready waiting for my brother and me to layer the food on our plates.

When we turned around my dad was already in his own room, in his place of refuge, were both my brother and I knew he was going to his usual on-line dating website. Everyday my dad went to his computer and checked for date or was chatting with someone. The only time he had off work he was on the computer and was talking to or looking for anther date.

We finished eating and started to watch television while fighting for the remote control. Soon we were in all out war; we jumped over the couches and threw random things at each other. I finally won and turned on Discovery Channel, mocking my brother the whole time we were watching things blow-up. Soon another war started and I just handed over the control and headed for the computer, while he turned it back to Discovery Channel.

I searched random things as I tried my best to waste time. It wasn’t long until it was time for bed. My brother and I headed to the usual bed; we always slept together due to us learning early in life that we could only rely on ourselves and no one else to be there for us. Our psychological minds were so messed up that in order to feel secure we had to crunch over 50 animals in our bed before we finally felt secure enough to relax and lull our selves to sleep with random banter. I was lulled to sleep and dreamt dreams of despair, and of death himself

Death chased me down a long corridor. I ran in every room waking all my family including my cousins and there parents running and crying not wanting to die. Waterfalls fell off my face as the robed horror chased me slaying my family behind me. His skull was as white as snow while his robe was more black then a light-less world. His scythe had a long black shaft with a dull black metal for the blade, that sliced threw my family like butter. He never hesitated to slice through the flesh before him and collected his bounty.

He chased me for hours, intent on me in particular. He wanted me and had no care for whom or what he had to go through to get to me. We started to get to the end of the hallway when I finally saw my exit. The hallway did not just end it was cut jaggedly from the roof down to the floor, and there was nothing but wilderness that could be seen beyond that. Death swayed his scythe to get me but I jumped out of the hallway just in time. If I waited just a few microseconds, I would have been soulless and left without a head. I looked back in time to see that death had been staring at me with eyes that didn’t belong there. He didn’t go into the light but he still pointed at me with his boney fingers. He strolled back in and with an evil laugh; he started down the hall to take the souls of those he may have missed on his way down the hall. It took me a couple seconds before realized what he was about to do. When it dawned on me, I started to cry worse than before. The only way his mission would be over is when he has me in a corner.


I was screaming as if my life was on the line. My brother had to shake me to pull me to reality. As soon as I realized it was just a dream I embraced my brother and was still crying. My dad never found his way into our room, but soon I was off to sleep again.

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