Chapter 3 In Confidence

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It had been almost a month since I had the nightmare of Death, the fist time. Last night was the second time. This time it didn’t bother me as much, but it still haunted me. Another torturous day was upon me, and the nightmare hadn‘t helped me get up. I lay in my bed. I tried to ignore my fathers barking as I attempted to get back to sleep. I wanted to end my night with something brighter. Eventually, he had found his way into my room and literally dragged me out of bed and onto the floor. I looked at the clothing that was neatly put on the bed for me to wear. I looked around for my brother and couldn’t find him.

“How did that weasel get up before me?” I questioned myself. I put on my clothes and checked the time. “It’s already fifteen after!” I exclaimed. I was about to be late for my ride to school.

I ran with all my might to the house next door, and thankfully, there maroon, 15-passenger van was still there. I knocked on there door and waited. After several seconds, Mrs. Thompson came and answered the door.

“You took long enough,” hollered Zane from the living room. I never like the family, especially the kids. They always got me in trouble and never took the blame for anything. Their parents spoil them with every gift that they had cried for. What is worse is that the parents were so gullible, they believed that I drove a tractor like thing I did not even know could drive. Sometimes I wondered if that family had a single brain cell between them, but had to put up with them for there transportation.

Zane dragged me out of the door and ran to the car with the keys. His mom started to yell at him the whole way there and when she finally got to the now roaring car, Zane defensively screeched, “Charley took it!”

Mrs. Thompson turned to me and bluntly snarled, “Don’t ever do that again!” How gullible could she possibly be? She clearly saw him take it and then demanded that I never do it again? If she hadn’t been my ride to school, and our land lord, I would of tripped her on to the concrete and laughed historically as her husband tried to catch up to me. I had dreamt so many times of physical harm onto them all. They had an unnatural way that Bought out the demonic spirits inside me.

Before I collected the rest of my thoughts, the car started to drive onto the main road. We were going over the speed limit but I didn’t care, we never got hurt before. Mrs. Thompson made a fifteen minute drive into a seven-minute drive and than pushed me out and drove off to drop my brother and the rest of her passengers off at their schools. It was now just the school that I had hated and me to battle out the day.


It had finally gotten to my third period and I was happy to be in English class for once. Mrs. Norah seemed to be in a better mood then I was, which creped me out a bit. When I sat down, I turned to were Jack sat yesterday to see him sleeping. The bell to get out of second period rang 2 minutes ago. How could he have found time to get to his third period desk and then pass out? I chuckled which in turn he woke up and demanded that I shut up and then passed out once again, which made me laugh more than before.

The tardy bell rang and the teacher handed out some papers. I looked at the paper and frowned, it was over the easiest thing to do in English. We had to spell the misspelled words the right way. I started the worksheet, finished it in five minutes, and turned to Jack who was already finished. Sometimes this kid scared me.

I leaned over and started to talk to him again. I soon found that he thought a nap was going to be better than a chat with a loser. He didn’t call me a loser, but I knew that I was one.

I surveyed the class and saw that no one other than me and Jack had finished I looked at the paper again in an attempt to understand why it was taking so long for everyone to take so long. The instructions clearly read, “Find all the misspelled words and correct them.” and yet they still had an extremely hard time to do that simple task. I looked behind me and saw the jerk behind me had finished and I just hadn’t noticed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2012 ⏰

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