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HER LAUGHS FILLED his ears as his hands reached for her armpits, he laughed watching her defend herself from his gentle tickle-attacks. she screamed and wriggled as they both squirmed on the floor dogging each other's eager fingers.

"Queen, " he giggled, entwining his hand into hers, "What are you going to do when we're old." he looked at her as he blew her ice blonde hair off her nose.

"Tickle each other and play with you and get rid of all my dolls so I can get dragons instead." she blabbered on as they both smiled watching the cars go past.

A creak of old oak fell into each of their ears as Chase's mother opened the front door. "Darlings come out of the cold, dinner is ready." she held open the door as the two seven-year-olds ran through and into the kitchen hand in hand. John, Chase's father stood in an open hug position as they both embraced with a tight squeeze. Quinn stood there, picking at her nails while admiring the floor as her father never liked to show emotions to her, and he had never even hugged her before.

"Queen?" Chase held out his hand and respectfully pulled her into the hug. John and Laura both smiled as all four of them sat down to eat. The parents of Chase knew of the cruelties of Quinn's father and chose to take her home instead of letting her walk to a house where she didn't get fed regualy.

"Mummy, " Chase screamed as she took the children plates and put them in the boiling water while John washed up, "Can I show Queen her present!" Chase grinned as his mother lowered a parcel down from the table. They both ran out of the kitchen and into the living room before Chase handed Quinn the purple wrapped object.

"Open it! Open it!" Chase jumped up and down, too excited to match Quinns excitement. She ripped off the purple wrapping paper and a small photo fell out as she let go of the purple paper it swirled to the ground as Chase picked the photo back up. As he handed it to her, a loud knock came at the door. Chase and Quinn both jumped, watching Laura answer it.

Soon after the door was opened boisterous voices came from outside. Chase watched Quinn drop the photo and run behind him as a sort of defence from them, as she recognised the sounds of the people's voices. Chase's parents which stood at the door, argued for a while before letting this man and woman come into their house. The man stood broad and tall, his clothes drenched in some sort of mixture of sweat and alcohol, swinging a half-empty glass bottle around, glaring at Chase.

"Move, boy." and just like that, the poor kid ran straight to his parents. The bald alcohol smelling man tripped forward, breathing down onto Quinn's head. "Who said 'ou could come 'ere?" he asked, slurring his words as he grabbed onto the woman which stood next to him.

"We i-invited her!" the mans stare burnt through Chase's parent's souls as he rolled his eyes back and stood straight again.

"I'll ask 'ou again," he repeated. "Who told 'ou, 'ou could come." there was a long part of silence before the man grabbed Quinn by her wrist and slapped her across the face, dragging her out by the hair.


Quinn and Chase were inseparable like bees to honey. Everyone who knew one of them knew the other, and it is with a great dishonour I say, somehow life hated them. It hated them equally, spiced up with some vicious cycle of torture. Which meant life was never easy for them. They had their own problems and puzzles which needed being put back together.

updates will be Friday-Sunday. Depends.
Hope you like it.

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