Chapter 6

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Together We Are Strong

William's group, Xavier's group and Wexer's group arrived to the White Hill Town. Wexer shook his head and said "You're all so spoiled" and as the gate opened, all the people inside got startled when they saw the Junglors coming in. William said "No need to panic!", "They are here to help!", but people still disappeared inside. Wexer again shook his head and said "So weak!", "Love is poisonous", "Softness will kill you one day...", so William said "We have done just fine for 400 years". Wexer said "We will sleep outside", so William said "I'm sure we have more space inside", so he shook his head and said "We are sleeping outside", so he said "Whatever you want", so they seperated. Ray saw his friends, so he ran at them with a smile and shouted "Good to see you guys!", "Where are the rest?", so Joey said "Rest of us are captured", so Ray was speechless and shocked at the sametime. 

Olivia said "We three managed to escape" and Xavier said "We will get them back with everyone's help!", so Andrew nodded and said "We now have two communities with us", "I believe we will succeed", "Where is Omar?", so Ray said "He is with Jack", "He was attacked and stabbed", so Valentine asked "What?!", so he explained "He is doing fine now, but we are scared for his safety", "We think it was Robert", so Xavier nodded and said "Makes sense", "He killed his Brother and got away with it", so Andrew said "We have to keep an eye on him", so Valentine nodded. Joey also said "I don't think this is important now, but bowser escaped the pod after you left here", so Xavier sighed and said "At least he won't be a problem anymore". At The Red Village, the prisoners were planning an escape. 

Izzy said "Okay, so at night I open all the gates and we get out", "If we must fight then atleast there are a lot of us", so Ludwig said "That sounds good", "I think this is gonna work". Suddenly a guard came again and took one of the survivors that were part of the 50. Izzy didn't know her name. All she could do is just watch and listen to her scream as she was taken away. Izzy said "We have to execute the plan soon, or we lose more people!", so Luke agreed and said "Tonight", so Ludwig also said "Tonight".

Above them in the main room, The Queen and The King were eating their food and as they finished, The Queen said "Soon it is time, for you to sacrifice yourself, so I can eat you", so the King nodded and said "You will enjoy the taste of me". A guard came to the room and said "We have noticed that the Jungor clan has joined with White Hill Town", "What do we do?", so the King said "Poison their water!", so he said "Yes, my King" and left the room. Soon afterwards, bunch of Cannibals sneaked to the White Hills water source and poisoned it. The other guard said "This will be a massacre!", so the other one laughed. In White Hill Town, William had arranged a dinner for everyone outside. As the workers prepared the dinner, Sophia and William Whitehill spoke in their room. 

Sophia said "Is it really wise to eat and friend with those people", "We can't possibly know what they will do!", so William said "I know, this doesn't feel right, but we need to show them that we are on their side now", "Even if they are terrible people". Robert who heard this asked "Why the hell did you invite them here!?", so he said "Because we need more people to fight!", "Your uncle could still be alive in the Red Village!", "We have to work with them, even if we don't like them!", so he just said "I will never forgive them", "They killed my Grandpa!", so William said "Do you think I have forgotten that?", "Of course I will never forgive them, but we must work now!", so Robert said "I understand", "More people, the better", so he nodded and said "Get ready for dinner". 

Princess came to the room and said "Dinner is ready", so William said "Good, get everyone outside to the garden", so Princess nodded. Princess went into Xavier's group's quarter where they were. She said "Dinner is ready", so Xavier said "We will be there in a second". Joey looked at Jack and said "I think you should rest for now", "Are you fine with that?", so Jack said "I will stay this time", "I think they will be happier if I'm nowhere to be seen", so Joey said "Okay" and Valentine said "I'm sure they would accept your presence", so Omar said "Yeah, come next time" and Ray said "See you later" as they left the room. Xavier's group met the White Hill Town people on the way to the garden to eat, so they walked together. William said "Remember, now we must be nice to them", so Olivia said "A little hard after I saw them burn a man alive", so Andrew said "Do you think they would betray or something", "I'am just worried", so William said "That is exactly why we need to be kind and respectful". As he said that, they arrived to the garden and the sight they saw made William say "Oh".

The Jungor clan members were already eating and ate with their fingers, so Omar said "Wow", "Pretty disrespectful", so Valentine asked "How the hell did they grow up?", so William said "They are like that and have always been". Then they got to the table and William said "You have already started!", "What a nice surprise!", "It must be good!", so Wexer said "Look at the amount of food", "You are all so spoiled". William said "And we will gladly share some with you!" and everyone sat down to the long table. Most soldiers and workers of White Hill didn't join the dinner. William started a speech by saying "We have had our differences in the past, but tonight we sit down and forget the past and focus on the future!", "We will together beat our enemy tomorrow!" and he raised his glass and said "For us!", so everyone repeated and drank the water. Xavier asked "So what is the plan?", so Wexer said "We go in, get our people and kill everyone!" and the other Jungor members cheered, but Valentine said "Yes, but we need a plan", so Hyper said "She is right, we can't just rush in", "I know these people", "They are dangerous". William said "Yes, we cannot underestimate these people", "I have seen what they can do", so Andrew said "Without a plan, this wont work", so William said "We will plan this all tomorrow" and everyone kept eating. 

Suddenly Olivia started to cough really bad and started to puke. Ray asked "Woah, are you okay?" and suddenly Apollo started to puke too and after that Sophia and Omar started too. Robert yelled "Jungor's!", "They poisoned us!", so they looked confused and Wexer said "No?!" and few of them started to cough too, so William said "Someone poisoned our water!". The ones who weren't going through the symptoms, backed away from the table. Joey said "We need to get the infected to a medical room!", so White Hill's Doctor Bob agreed and yelled for others help. The soldiers helped to carry people to the medical and Joey said "Everyone who isn't having symptoms, go in to your room now!", "If this is contagious, then we can't let it spread anymore!", so people started to leave. Xavier, Valentine, Andrew & Ray went to their room. Inside Valentine asked "What was that?", so Xavier said "The Cannibals must have poisoned the water!", so Ray said "This won't be good!", "This is exactly what they want!", "Now we can't fight them!", so Jack had an idea what had happened, so he said "Then I will sneak inside!", "Alone if I have to!", "We can't let them die!", so Valentine looked sad and said "We will do that if there is no other way", "I promise we'll do everything we can to save them". Joey visited the room to get some supplies and said "Remember to not leave your room!", so everyone nodded and Andrew grabbed his arm and asked "Will you be able to save my son?", so he said "I will do my best", "We don't know much about this disease yet", "Good night" and he left to the medical room. As he walked in he put his mask on and saw the sick ones in a bad state and saw that the amount had doubled, so his eyes filled with worry.

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