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So let me tell you a little bit of myself. I am a 33 year old, married to a wonderful man. His name is Yoon Se Joon.  We have been married for 5 years. My husband is the best man out there, i am not even exaggerating. He is a gentleman who is focused on bringing happiness and joy to the family.

We have a 15 year old daughter. Oh you might be wondering how come i have a 14 yr old daughter when am just 33. Well let me give you a short background. Its actually something i don't want to talk about, but since this is my story, nothing should be excluded.

In 2005, i celebrated my 18th birthday, with my family and close neighbor. After the celebration, we got an unwelcome guest (armed robbers). My parents offered everything they had, but they weren't  satisfied. One of my guest, Ri Jeong Hyuk was also at the party. Actually, Jeong Hyuk and i aren't friends, i saw him the first first on my birthday. All i knew is that, he came to visit one of our neighbor, and he decided to come along to the party.

Back to my story, the armed robbers decided they were not satisfied, and they decided that i should have sex with Jeong Hyuk. My father disagreed, and he was shot in the head. The fear of not being shot came over me and i pleaded to Ri Jeong Hyuk. We had sex at a gun point, i cried because that was even my first time. After we finished, my mom stood up, and started shouting, then bang. She was shot in the head. The police arrived during this period and the armed robbers was arrested. But my parent.....dead.

Since i have no one, i decided to move to seoul where my distant cousin lives, it was then i discovered that i was pregnant. There is no way to contact Ri Jeong Hyuk, so decided to keep this pregnancy because that is the only blood family i have left.

Yoon se joon met me, and it was love at first sight. I told him everything i went through including having a daughter. He didn't mind that i have a daughter. Infact my husband and my daughter Mina are very close. They are so close that people think that he is the father. I love their relationship because this is the my picture perfect family. We married a year after and here we are living a fulfilling life.

Back to current time

My husband and i have a fundraiser event for charity to visit and also that particular night i discovered that i am pregnant. It was a happy moment for us. I wore the most beautiful cloth i have. He looked dashing as always. We were at the event and everything is going on well, my husband went outside to receive a call and came back after some time minute. By the time he came back, our goal has been reached. So we were just having a party.

Then suddenly i received a call from home, i picked it up and i heard a strange voice.
Hello am i talking to mrs yoon? i said yes
We need you to come immediately to your house? I asked why

Because we just found out that your daughter..............committed suicide

Hello my incoming readers, this is my first time writing a fanfic. I was inspired by reading a lot of fanfic online. Please bear with me as i am not a professional writer. I will try to update the next chapter very soon. I hope you will enjoy the ride. Please give me stars, it will help motivate me and add comment

Thank you

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