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I trudged through the dense, violent blizzard, the never ending snowfall clouding my vision as I stumbled on and on toward our cottage. I wrapped my quilt around my body even tighter than it was before in an attempt to keep my body warm.

I knew I should have begun to walk home earlier.

The grip on my quilt loosened, despite my head's screaming protests. I felt myself weaken as a shudder wrecked through my body and my legs staggered against my will. It was becoming even harder to stay upright and drag myself through the thick, deadly sleet.

Sooner than expected, my legs gave out beneath me and I collapsed into the soft, almost comforting, snowdrift. I didn't want to stop, I wanted to push on.

I wanted to go home.

I began to regret my choices, I should've listened to that panging in my head telling me to go home early, there was no need for overtime. I was stuck here now, the snowflakes falling vigorously. I knew if I didn't forge on I would die here.

But is that so bad?

Where was I trying so desperately to get to? No, that was the wrong question. Who. Who was I trying so desperately to get to?

As soon as the thought crossed my mind, a small glimpse of a face struck my head like a harsh, merciless slap. Him. He was the one I'm wanting to go home to. Panic began to spread throughout my body, overwhelming the sense of cold that now felt like a small pain in the back of my head.

Get up, I told myself. You can't stay here. Get up. You need to get home, you cannot stay here. You need to go home to him, get up.

Despite my newfound feeling of empowerment, my body did not cooperate. I tried to push myself up, but my hands shook powerfully, and I knew I no longer had enough strength to move.


Suddenly alert, I tried raising my head to see who it was who called me. A cry arose in my throat, the words on the tip of my tongue, wanting to call out to him as well. But I couldn't.

What is his name? Why can't I remember? The yell died, my voice not even able to make sound. Tears began to manifest in my eyes as I felt the presence of death creeping closer. Even as I heard footsteps running near me, I could feel myself being pulled to the other side. I hung on, however, hoping that whoever it was would save me, I'd get home safely, I was absolutely fine.

After what felt like days, but was in reality only several seconds, I felt my body stop fidgeting and shaking. My life left my body, my vision went black, everything left my view. I never did find out who was calling to me, because even if he did find me, I was already gone.

I'm sorry.


A/N: Bye what's even happening

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