chapter 2

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Garnet: hi jordan!
Jordan: hi!
Garnet: ya like rain?
Jordan: *laughing* yup!
Garnet: my sister pearl kept talking.
Jordan: thought so.
Jordan: how is steven?
Garnet: same as always!
Jordan: tell him i said hi when you get home!
Garnet: sure!

4 hours pass.

Garnet: 8:00 already? I need to go.
Jordan: yeah same for me.

Back at the universe house!

Garnet: hi, sorry that i am late!
Jamie: hi!
Steven: Hi garnet!
Rose: hello!
Steven: *hug time*
Garnet: i have to speak with rose for a minute steven.
Rose: oh yes i forgot..... come in my room.

Rose: you told me that you seem to be feeling weird all the time...
I am very happy you came to me about it.
Garnet: you know what i mean?
Rose: i do not know how you are going to take this but... you are going to have a child no doubt about it.
Garnet: *paused* w-what? R-really?
Rose: you need to get jamie in here to tell him.
Garnet:*runs to get jamie* come here now!!
Jamie: whats wrong?
Rose: please come in.
Jamie: what happened?
Rose: you are getting a child in a while.

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