Chapter Seven

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Just to clarify, Carter's POV from Chapter Five was also part of her dream. She just imagined what he would say and do. It's stupid, I know.


Sophie's POV:

I sat still in my seat. He's here —in my school. So he's a teenager. . .I glanced over to my side and noticed he was no longer staring at me. He had been staring at me most of the class. But, why would he be staring at a girl like me? I mean, I'm not something special or anything. There are girls here prettier and skinnier than me, so why put me in the spotlight?

I looked at him again. He still had those sunglasses on and I'm surprised Ms. Robinson hasn't said anything about it.

I looked over at the others that came in with him. I can give a quick summary of their appearances.

One had short, dark hair and dark brown eyes. Beside him, a boy with light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. In front of me was a boy I couldn't really see his face, but he had brown hair. Next to the stalker (whose name I still have not yet learned) was a boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes, and in front of him was a serious boy whose hair was a blondish brown and brown eyes.

Hmm. They don't look like the guys from my dream. . .

Ms. Robinson taught Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus. We, were in Algebra 2. There were a few freshman and juniors in here. So, basically she was the math teacher for the grades above. Mr. Valdez taught Algebra 1 and Geometry.

She instructed for us to take out our Algebra 2 textbooks and turned to chapter 2, which was all about Equations.

"This year, we will start with the basics. Take out your notebooks and tittle the page 'Two dash One' and add today's date. Every three weeks I would do a notebook check, to see if you all have been writing what has been taught." She explained.

She opened up her lesson plan and pulled out a black Expo marker. She stood in front of the board and started writing a few things.

I pulled out my red Five Star College notebook and placed it on my desk. I took out a pencil and a pink highlighter and set it aside.

"Such a girl." I heard the stalker say.

I glared at him.

"And how so?" I say with a little bit of attitude.

He pointed towards the pink highlighter. Seriously? Because of a highlighter? I gave him an annoyed look and he just laughed.

"Ah, I love bothering you." He says.

I checked to see if Ms. Robinson wasn't looking to flip him off. He laughed and went back to chatting with his friends.

"As you copy what I have written on the board, I will be explaining how to solve a linear equation." Ms. Robinson instructed.

No one responded, instead went straight to copying what was on the board. I opened my notebook to the first page and wrote down '2-1 Linear Equations' and began writing the first bullet.

"When you have a linear equation, some of it can be easy, however some can be very difficult. To solve linear equations, you can use this method..." She stopped to write down the method on the board.

Learn to Forget you. (Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now