there (cheese v.2)

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I want to be there all the time
With you, whenever you have a hard night.
I wanna soothe your head and say that you're fine
With me, whenever you're fear of the night.

I wanna comfort you while you have a nightmare
I console you when you are awake and scared.
Say that I'm here, I'm here you're safe.
Sleep, my love. It's okay. I take care.

Embrace you all, hold you tight
We can see each other without light.
Look at me, focus on me, only me
Sleep again, you're alright

I hope I could do this everytime you need me
I hope I could dry your tears gently
I hope I could be there everytime
Then I wouldn't feel regret when you cried


I really wished I could have a Doraemon's door that I can access there whenever.
I hope....
Even if it's only here, I'd like to be there asap.
Same song in Cheese...
I'd love to be your Nightingale

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