Part 5

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It was a Wednesday afternoon. After hours of hebetudinous, yet" have to be attentive" lectures and attending patients who won't stop throwing their google originated dental knowledge, we finally got the time to allay our hunger pangs. Its kinda weird how we used to have our lunch just after removing +++ stains and calculus from a dirty mouth (not judging, just saying).

As we sat down to have our lunch at the canteen, a message  popped out.

Siddharth: Hey there! what are you up to?

Me: Nothing much. About to have lunch after a tough battle against a mouth that had nothing but dirt.

Siddharth: Oh God! You just spoiled my lunch. Do you know how hard it was to compel my friends to have rice after weeks of having continental food?

Me: Welcome to the club!

Siddharth: One hell of a club it is.

"You're smiling at your phone!" said Shruthi.

"Whattt! Nooo!" I defended myself.

"You did! Tell her Meghna!"

"Yeah, you did and I can even guess the person behind it "replied Meghna.

"Do you know what that means?" asked Shruthi.

"Why don't you just say it?"

"It means you are about to get screwed up real soon"

"That's not true! We were just having a funny conversation"

"Really? What was the conversation about?"

"It wasss... a.... just... food talk"

"You smiled at a conversation over food?"

"Yes! It was funny!"

"Ok. First of all, never laugh at something that fills your heart and makes you happy and I meant FOOD! And secondly, stop beating around the bush. We know that you like him!"

"Is it that evident?"

"We've seen you with guys and this guy; really must be something "said Meghna.


"Well, you always look at inappropriate memes and animal videos; and hardly ever text people. Look at you now!" she pointed out.

I paused for a minute to realize how bad I was into this guy. What was that pulling me into him that no amount of his dose stood to be ample enough to me.

"Listen! I don't want to be the friend who points out the negatives but be sure before you take the leap" said Shruthi.

"It's not like I love him, people!!! He's just a fling!"

(An ironical statement for the future chapters that are yet to come)

Siddharth: I want to see you. Can we meet over this Saturday? After your college?

Me: yup, sure!

A crush! Isn't it beautiful? The butterflies. The quick glances. The awkward "hi". Stalking their profile and accidentally liking their 5-year-old picture. The terrible excuses you make up to talk to them. The phase where your daily life gets a boost. All until the person starts talking! And once they do, BOOM! GONE!!!! Seriously! I had a crush on her? On him?

And then, there are a very few fortunate who drove the plane to the "Fling-land "where all that happens is what the present craves. I guess we are in that miracle land. We haven't set a tag for what we were, we were into each other, but we didn't want anything serious... I guess that leaves us to just "carpe diem".

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