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Something that could plunge an ignorant adolescent from a nobody to a superstar.

Some people get popular for their looks. Some for their something they have. Some for their personality. Me? I only got popular because I'm a bitch.

And for Lucas, he only became popular because he was hot as hell itself. Too bad no one can ride him anymore since he's dead. He was an asshole though. I guess it's karma for him for being such a narcissistic dick.

I feel sorry for all the girls he loved before, I just don't feel it for one girl, who I heard only wanted him for her own status,Olivia Carmichael. Ugh, just the sound of her name just makes me cut my ears out.

Olivia Carmichael is a slut, no, she's a freaking crackwhore. She's the only person in this school that I just want to shove into the gates of hell other than strangling her, which I want to do to the others.

And then there she is, shedding crocodile tears at Lucas' grave looking like some widow. What a scene.

"Can we go now?" I asked Ryder, "I can't handle the bullshit Carmichael is releasing right now."

"We should stay until the funeral's over." He replied. I rolled my eyes and continue looking at Olivia who was still there, probably making some fake Christian prayer she made up, everybody knows she's Jewish. "Yeah, we should definitely stay and check out her ass." Jacob added, I look at him biting his lip, I smacked the sense out of the boy.

"Literally," I silently squealed, "We're in a funeral and you're still looking for a freaking hook-up?" I asked him deliberately, "Plus, I doubt those are even real."

Eventually, after one hour of grieving, the service was over. Unsurprisingly, Olivia was walking towards us, whilst wiping off those crocodile tears.

"Hello, Carmichael" I greet her with a grin.

"Hello, Sydney," She smiled with her pearly-white teeth. I scanned her outift, a tight little black dress that reached above her knee, black pump heels, a small headband with a sheer clothe covering half of her face, and a Starbucks Latte on her hand, typical basic bitch on a funeral.

"I'm surprised that the priest hasn't christened you yet for that slutty ensemble." I said.

"Puh-lease," She rolled her eyes, "He could've dumped you into a tub of holy water for your basic outfit."

"Look who's talking about being basic." I said, shifting my eyes on her latte.

"Anyways, I didn't come here to chitchat." She smiled, "I came her to grieve for my friend, Lucas."

"Who you screw every Saturday." Tiana cut in.

"Excuse me?" Olivia tilted her head in question.

"Lucas once said that you sleep with him every Saturday." Tiana explained, "While he was in a relationship with Violet."

"Speaking of Violet," Olivia changed the topic, "How is she, by the way?"

"Good, she'll be discharged by next week." I answered, "Why? Do you want to be the next person that lays down there, because I'd gladly do that." I smiled.

"No. If you do that I'll sue." She said, "By the way, nice entourage you got here." She smirked; "Shaggy," She looked at Ryder, "Fred," She then shifted to Jacob, doing a little lip bite, "Daphne" She then glared at Tiana, "Velma, who's the ugly one." She looked at me, I rolled my eyes, "And I don't know who you are." She looked at Logan.

"And I don't care." Logan hissed.

"And Scooby-Doo." She said, smiling at Brendan.

"Excuse me, honey?" Brendan cocked an eyebrow.

"Aw don't get furious, Brendan," She pouted in pity, "It's not your fault you look like a stray dog."

"Okay, this bitch is going down!" He shouted, Jacob then blocked him away from Olivia, who was smirking and was walking away from us. Eventually, Brendan eased down, "She needs to be shot in the head, multiple times." He muttered.

"She isn't worth a gunshot." Tiana said. Logan shrugged in confusion.

"She has to be the lowest life form that has ever walked on this planet." Brendan said, "She'd better be the next one to get murdered or I'll do it myself."

Then suddenly my phone rang, I opened my purse to get my phone. I looked to see who was calling, an unknown number. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hello." It was Mr. E.

"Okay, how many phones do you even own?" I asked sarcastically.

"I just want you to let you know, that if you want that girl dead, I could do it for you." He replied.

"Who's that?" Tiana asked. "Mr. E." I replied.

"Put it on speaker." Ryder said, so I did.

"And?" I asked, "What's the catch?"

"You what I say," He replied,

"Meh, we'd rather kill her ourselves than be your little lackeys." I said, cocking my eyebrow.

"Okay, then."

"So, who's the next person you're gonna kill?" I asked.

"Child, a chain of murders isn't my thing. He's the only person I've killed." He said with a chuckle.

"What about Katie?" I asked. He suddenly hung up. Then my phone beeped, I saw a message from the same number,




I knew it.


Should I post a new story or nah? lol So here's the fourth chapter and I'm so sorry for this really late update, I was busy because of school and everything, but I'll make sure to update again this week.

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