6- Reassurance

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I was left feeling very content, after sitting with Harry while he worked. He was busy so left me with time to be in my head and think the past two crazy days through, though at the same time, allowed me to be close to him settling both of our wolves.
He was actually able to focus on his work too, only pausing to place a gentle kiss on my head every so often or squeezing me slightly against him.
I'm hoping this may have given his overly territorial wolf some time to settle and calm with me by his side all day.

He strides back into the living room plonking down on the huge leather couch and dragging me in towards him.
"You smell so good darling."
The whisper left a tickle on my neck, sending a cool shiver down my spine.
I was undeniably attracted to this god of a man.

"Are you cold ? Oh no I can't have that. C'mere. Let me heat you up."
I find myself  tangled up more around him before I get the chance to think.
I swear I feel my wolf purr inside from happiness. It's so calming being able to just sit with him,even if I was actually quite warm in the first place.

"Thank you Harry." I rest head on his shoulder enjoying the peacefulness.

"Please never leave me. I've known you for such a short time but I'd never survive again without you." He says, suddenly intense again.

Oh my god.

"Uh. I mean I. Of course. I'm your mate. Why would I leave?"

He studies my wide eyes for a moment, and then seemingly satisfied with my answer, settles once again turning the channel to the Tv.

"I guess we'll need to talk about me moving at some point."

I wish I had more time but there's no way he'd cope with me leaving him, even if it was just a week. Not at the moment anyway.
I think I'd miss him far too much as well. As much as he's incredibly intense and intimidating, I'm already so attached to him.

"Yes." His eyes light up.
"I can arrange for two pack members to go and collect any of your belongings and bring them here tonight if you'd like."

"No I was hoping my parents could actually bring them up for me. I'm pretty sure your not going to be comfortable with me leaving to visit them and I'd like to say goodbye, we're quite far away and not going to see each other for a while."

"Uh. Yes ok, that's correct. Would they be happy to drive out here? I'll send a jet for them."

"No Harry.Thank you but that isn't necessary. They love a road trip do my parents."

"Sorted. Shall we give them a call?" He places his cheek on my hair nuzzling me against him.

Is there any windows open? I'm so warm.

"I think we should. They'll like to talk to you."

He goes off and finds my bag, with my phone and all.

"My lady." He gives it to me over graciously.

"Why thank you kind Sir." I giggle at his silliness.

"You have the loveliest laugh Bella." He smiles gently at me, love shining through those eyes.

After a successful phone call, Zoey finally appears.

"Hey Zo!" I call hopping up leaving a now grumpy wolf on the couch.

"Morning Bells. Hello Harry." She says quietly.

"Zoey I should apologise. I should never have behaved the way I did yesterday. My wolf is in overdrive with protecting Bella his only thought, it's inexcusable though so I hope you accept and we can start over.

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