Chapter 16

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Okay... let's pray Namjin get introduced. I honestly never know how it's gonna end up until I write lol. Wish me luck!

Taehyung's Point of View:
Two weeks later:

Ever since that morning at Jungkook's, I haven't really spent a lot of time away from him. I go to work with him every day, where I review clothing lines with him. We decide together what would be suitable for the market, and what wouldn't be. There are still plans for me to be a model, however these past few weeks have pretty much just been me with him in his office.

And don't get me wrong, it's not like I feel like I have to be with him. I don't feel dependent on him, nor do I feel overly attached or addicted to his presence. I just merely like his company, and I think he feels the same way.

After work, we either head back to his place or mine, depending on if Jimin is home or not. From there we make dinner and watch tv until bed time. I've really only slipped once since that time, as I'm finding that with a partner I don't feel the need to slip as often. I feel like that is very odd of a little. Like, when a little finally finds a caregiver, normally they slip more because they're comfortable.

Jungkook explained that that's not generally good or bad. He thinks that maybe my life has finally become normal (normal as in nonabusive) and so I don't feel like I need to regress anymore. That's not saying all littles are being abused, because that is far from the truth. He says we could make days in our schedule that is dedicated to little Tae, and honestly, I'd love that.

Before I met Jungkook, even though I had only regressed once, little space was a stress reliever for me. I felt like I needed it in order to relax. But now, I don't have a lot of stress in my life. Not with Jungkook around. So now little space is an escape to have fun.

Right now, Jungkook and I are in his office. The designers are trying to release a soft submissive look, and honestly, I'm in love with it.

"I don't know... maybe we should change the type of fabric. Make it out of Egyptian cotton instead. I wouldn't buy anything scratchy for my submissive, so why would anyone else?" I gazed at Jungkook in adoration; I love his business face.

"Yes sir, but maybe there's something more affordable?" The lady with long hair spoke.

"Ms. Wang, we are a high end company. That means we use high end materials. Egyptian cotton, make it happen."


The phone began to ring, cutting the woman off. "You're excused. Great work guys." Once everyone left the room, Jungkook answered the phone. "Hello?"
"Ah, Jin!"
"You're coming to town? Moving??" Jungkook glanced at me after a long pause.
"Uh, yea you can stay for a few days but I have to—"
"Jin, I-"
"Jin, just let me—"
"Okay but—" Jungkook let out a long sigh, setting down the phone. "Well, baby, I hope you don't mind visitors because my brother is coming to town." He chuckled.

"Is that a good thing?" I asked skeptically.

"Yes, it is. I miss him so much. Him and his husband are moving back here, but they need a place to stay for a few nights before they close on their house. I was going to tell him to let me check with you first, but as I'm sure you heard, he wouldn't let me talk." He smiled fondly, shaking his head. "Classic Jin. But I really think you'll like my brother. He doesn't know I'm in a relationship, so meeting him might be a little over whelming but he absolutely adores subs, especially soft subs. It's up to you if you want to tell him about your little space but if you did he'd probably get so excited."

"He knows you're a dominant? Is his husband a submissive?" I asked, moving so I was straddling his waist.

"Yea, I mean I own a bdsm clothing company." Jungkook chuckled. I blushed. "But about Namjoon... I know he's not a sub. He could be a switch, but honestly he's not too open about it. If anything, he's a switch but I think he's also a dom. You could imagine that relationship, especially because my brother can be quite hot headed." He laughed.

I smiled. "I'm excited to meet them. When are they coming."

"Um, yea, that's the thing. He said they'd be here in twenty minutes... he's not one to give me warnings about his arrivals. He said he'd just go to the house, we can meet him there after work. Is that okay? If not, I can drop you off at your house? I'll come back after seeing him though."

"No, that's okay. I'd like to meet him. Has Yoongi met him?" I asked.

"Yea, they met once when Jin was here visiting. They got along well."

I nodded. "Well, maybe we can have a nice welcome dinner for them. Let's invite Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin."

Jungkook smiled. "I like that."

I can't wait to meet them.


Okay, this was kind of a transition chapter. I ended it here because if I kept going it would literally be so long lol. New update soon though!

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