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I do not own Teen Wolf, or the characters, or plot lines. I only own Dawn Argent and her plot lines. I also own any other characters and plot lines that I make. Please don't steal anything.

Chapter one: The Bite



Allison was always on my mind.

She captured my attention all the time. Even when I'm thinking about other things, she'll still be in the back of my mind. I love my sister more than anything, but watching her die in Scott's arm killed my insides. Allison's died trying to save her friends, for that she is the best sister ever. She will always live in my heart and in the groups hearts also.

"Dawn! Dawn! Are you even listening to me," Malia muttered. She was concentrating on the practice going on, as should I, but I'm always thinking.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, I was thinking about something," I told her honestly. I didn't want to bring my sister up. I don't like talking about it. Only to certain people; Scott for instance.

Scott and Stiles were trying out for the lacrosse team. Even though Scott was the team captain last year, he still had to try out. On the other hand, Stiles wasn't that great, but always managed to make the team.

Malia, Kira and I, were on the bleachers watching them practice. A new boy caught my eye. He was in front of the goal and caught every single ball that was thrown at him.

"What the hell is up with that kid," I spoke aloud. This boy was to good to be true. Every thing about him seemed to be a little weird.

"I don't really know, but he's really good. Like 'supernatural' good." Kira complained. I agreed one hundred percent with her. Something seemed a little off about this dude.

I think I know him. He might be in my English class. That means he's a freshman. I don't really hang out with kids my age. Once Scott and Stiles took me under their wing, I've been with them ever since. Hanging with kids my age is over-rated. The goalie looked like he knew everything about lacrosse. His hair was spiked up. He started to talk to the douchebag, Garrett.

"All positions available. This is a rebuilding season, people. Jackson's gone, Lahey's gone," Coach Finstock yelled. From here I could see that Scott had something on his mind.

"What's wrong with you?" Malia asked.

"Me? Nothing," Kira lied. She was a horrible liar, it wasn't even funny how bad she was.

"You reek of anxiety. And it's distracting. What's going on?" Maila pondered, trying to figure out why was wrong with Kira.

"Scott and I sort of had this thing happen. But it wasn't much of a thing. And I'm starting to think it never was anything at all." Kira rambled.

"What do you want it to be?" Malia questioned.


I know that Kira had this thing for Scott. Scott also has a thing for Kira. They were to oblivious to see it. I wanted to know what happened, but I didn't want to be nosey so I'll leave it alone. I turned my attention back to the field.

"Terrible. Horrifying. Pathetic. Unbelievably pathetic. Is that everyone?" Coach yelled. Stiles was struggling to finish. He finally crossed the finish line. He was usually last for things. In this case I was right.

"Yep, that's everyone." Coach yelled again. Coach is always yelling. It wasn't that bad at first, but over the years it's gotten worse.

I looked over at the freshman who was goalie earlier. Something about him intrigued me. He looked over at me. His piercing blue eyes met my hazel ones. A smirk lit up his face like lights lighting up a Christmas Tree.

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