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I do not own Teen Wolf, or the characters, or plot lines. I only own Dawn Argent and her plot lines. I also own any other characters and plot lines that I make. Please don't steal anything.

Chapter three: Running with Wolves


"I'm not sharing my basement." Maila stated bluntly, sucking her thumb.

"Actually, it's my basement. And my mom noticed how you tore it up last time," Lydia sassed. It was horrible last time. I really hope Malia learns how to control herself on a full moon, but I wouldn't blame her, being coyote for most of your life must've been hard.

"All right, she's still learning," Stiles defended Malia, it was actually really cute. It's like we know they're going out, but they don't. When I have a relationship I don't want it to be like that. I want a Scott and Allison relationship.

"But, we're going to use the boathouse for Liam. It's got support beams. We can chain him to one of them," Scott said to us.

"What about me?" I finally spoke up in the conversation. They all looked at me like they've seen a ghost. It's like I'm completely invisible. They probably forgot that I was here. Me being the freshman it usually happens.

"Well you get to choose, Liam or Malia. It's completely up to you." Stiles questioned.

"Liam," I whispered, "I chose Liam." Something said that I should pick him. It was a gut feeling telling me to pick him. Scott looked at me, he was studying me. "We both got bit literally minutes apart. We're in this together."

"But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?" Kira spoke up. No one thought about that part. I didn't even think about it.

"I say if it keeps him from murdering someone, we chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake." Stiles joked.

"I'm in." Malia replied, seconds after.

"We're not killing or kidnapping him. He is Scott's beta after all," I sounded a little pissed but I didn't care. I know that Stiles is kidding, but it makes me feel bad. Liam's not a bad kid, he was just thrown into a different situation.

"We tell him there's a party and invite him." Lydia said as if was the easiest solution.

"So, you're going to ask out a freshman?" Stiles scoffed.

"No, I'm done with teenage boys.
But, if we're playing a trick on someone, we'll have to use the trickster." Everyone looked at Kira. Kira looked astounded.

"Who? Me? No way." She stuttered. "Not me. Why don't we use Dawn?"

"Dawn doesn't know how to drive and it would work better if we had you." Lydia encouraged.

"No, not me."

"Yes, you. You know what they call a female fox? A vixen." Lydia urged Kira to do it. I'm so glad that I was taken out the running. I really did not want ask him to go.

"Me?" Kira said barely audible.

"You can do it, Kira. Be a vixen."

Lydia took Kira and I away from the boys. I looked back and saw them waving. We walked up to her locker. She put some lipgloss on Kira. Kira looked really nice. She wiped off some imaginary dirt and started walking towards the stairs.

"Go get 'em tiger!" Lydia shouted as she walked off. From my view I saw Liam and Mason walk up. He started to watch the stairs as Kira walked down. Kira tripped and fell on the ground. Liam rushed to help her. I saw her lips move and Liam nodded. Kira walked back over to us.

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