Chapter 7

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Thea's POV
I was pretty sure Joe liked me, he rated me as ten! By now I was excited to go back to school, I wanted to see Joe and talk to him. The rest of the weekend seemed to go by quickly and on Monday morning, I went downstairs and realised I hadn't told my parents that I would be going to school.
"Mum, Dad! I'm going to school!" I called and left without waiting for an answer. I waited for my friends outside of the shop where we usually met before walking to school and soon enough I saw Jamie, Connor, Lucy, Sam and Leo walking towards me. When they saw me, they started running. They came to a halt in front of me.
"Is it true?" Asked Leo. I nodded seriously.
"It's okay though," I said, "I can finally tell you who I fancy,"
There was a long pause.
We started walking.
"Who is it then?" Connor inquired.
I smiled, "Joe,"
"Joe Green?"
"Yup," I confirmed.
"I knew it!" Exclaimed Lucy.
We arrived at school and I texted Joe.
Me: I'm here, where r u?
Joe: In isolation, I've got to sit in this boring room and I won't see u all day :-(
Me: Oh, can we talk after school then?
Joe: Yeh, I'll meet u out the front?
Me: Cool, cya at the end of the day then
Joe: Bye
Me: Cya
That really annoyed me, Megan Peterson deserved what she got and Joe had every right to walk out of this shit-hole they call a school. i couldn't believe they had given him isolation. Just then, the bell rang and I walked to form, everyone I knew in my form looked happy to see me and I had a good time talking to them until it was time for Biology, the one lesson where I sat next to Joe but he was in an isolation room. My teacher welcomed me back in a way that made it clear she knew of my situation, I sat down and the class seemed to incessantly talk about me until Miss hushed them, I didn't contribute to the class' discussions and I didn't write anything down but the teacher seemed okay with that.
At break-time, I went to reception and asked if I could go to the isolation room and talk to Joe for a while.
"No," said the receptionist. I sighed.
"I'm Thea," I declared, "The one with cancer?"
"Ah yes, I suppose you could... For five minutes,"
"Thanks," I said and went to the isolation room.
I stood on my tiptoes to look through the small square window, the room was far too big for one person. I could see Joe sitting at the far end of the room, I knocked and walked in.
"Hey," I said.
"What are you doing in here? You'll get in trouble!" Exclaimed Joe.
"It's cool," I assured him, "I've got cancer, the staff are being all weird and nice,"
We laughed.
"So why are you here?" Asked Joe. I hesitated before answering.
"I wanna tell you something..."
"Yeah? Me too..."
"Oh, you go first," I insisted.
"Sure?" He inquired. I nodded frantically.
"I... really like you," he said.
"Like like me? I pushed. He nodded as I had done moments ago.
"What did you wanna tell me?"
I grinned, "The same thing,"
"See you after school then," Joe said as I left the room, I had a tumour growing inside of me yet I couldn't stop smiling; Joe liked me and he knew I liked him. I couldn't wait to see him again- I wanted to hug him and kiss him and tell him that I loved him.
After having sat through another two lessons, I excitedly told my friends what had happened, when the bell went after lunch we pushed through the crowded corridors and the whole time I was thinking, one hour till I see Joe.

Author's note: Oh my god, so cute and shit! Don't forget to vote, comment, add and follow.

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