Chapter 13

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Thea's POV
I had just had the time of my life, fuck everything; I didn't need anything but Joe. Feeling amazing, I practically skipped back up the hill to my house. When I knocked on the door, (I hadn't taken my keys) my mum opened it.
"I saw you walking past the house with that boy, is he your boyfriend?"
"Umm, I dunno, kind of," I replied as I started climbed the stairs to escape her questions. I entered my room and put my phone on charge. I sat on my bed and examined my bedroom.
It was almost exactly the same as when I was seven; the walls were still a pale pink and the bed covers were printed with hearts. The major changes were only the posters of bands I liked lining the two of the four walls, the forty-eight inch television and the hundreds of DVDs.
There was a knock at the door and my parents walked in.
"Thea, we just wanted to tell you," my mum started, "That we're going to a wedding tomorrow,"
I asked who was getting married.
"You've met Stephen and Joanna from work haven't you?" My dad said.
"Yeh, at the new year's eve party thing," I answered. "So am I just having microwave pizza for tea then?"
"Oh no, you've got to come with us," he said, "We can't leave you home alone for that long, we've got to go to London for the rest of the week so you get to miss school. My good mood was ruined, I wasn't going to see Joe for days and I'd have to wear a dress.
"Will there be food?" I inquired.
"Wow Thea, is that all you care about?" My mum asked.
"Pretty much," I said flatly.
"We leave tomorrow morning," mum announced, "Bring your dress down and pack some nice clothes for the reception,"
They left. Well, this was just great, for all I knew, these were the last days of my life and I was spending them in London at a crappy wedding. Also, I really hated London, it was too loud and there were too many people. I needed to talk to somebody so I texted Joe.
Me: Hey
Joe: Hey babe
Me: Ooh, babe
Joe: Hehe yeh, today was great
Me: It was indeed
Joe: So am I a good kisser?
Me: The best I've ever kissed
Joe: How many people have you kissed?
Me: A few
Joe: How many?
Me: Three including you
Joe: So I'm your third choice?
Me: No! I never thought u would like me, I'm thrilled to have kissed you
Joe: Likewise xxx
Me: Anyway, big news is I'm going to a wedding tomorrow, some people from dad's work are getting married in london :-(
Joe: How long r u gonna be away for?
Me: The rest of the week and I have to wear a dress
Joe: Woo, that I would like to see!
Me: Can we just focus on the negatives here?!
Joe: Nope
Me: Why?
Joe: Because I love u
My heart sank into my stomach, he said it, he loved me.
Me: U mean it?
Joe: Of course
Me: Well what a coincidence
Joe: ???
Me: I love YOU
Joe: That's a relief
Me: But I won't see u for aaaaages
Joe: We can facetime
Me: What if I die before I get to kiss u again?
Joe: U can't think like that, ur gonna come back and we're gonna kiss all the fucking time
Me: Okay :-)
Joe: Good plan?
Me: Very good
Joe: How ever long it may be, we will kiss till the end
Me: Awww, well I should probably pack my shit so ttyl
Joe: Cya x
Me: Bye xxx
I searched in my wardrobe for the one dress I owned and took it downstairs. It was a green skater dress that I had worn to a party and one previous wedding. I packed lots of clothes and decided to wear a blue skirt and a plain t-shirt for the reception.

Author's note: Awww they're in love. Jokes, eurgh! Fucking weddings, weddings are fucking shit... Unless there's food, then they're really GOOD!

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