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Helloooo! How is everyone doing? 😄 Just wanna inform y'all that there are still a few slots from BTS who are still open! IF no one is gonna take 'em, then I might as well close the slots and adopt 'em instead.

Also, I'm still waiting for the forns from some of you. Please, mark your calendars! I will only accept your form/s by the end of October. IF you still have not send in your form/s by then, I will open the slot that you reserve and have others take the slot, or I will close the slot for good and adopt 'em.

I am still busy with school work but I've got enough time to stay online. So please work on your forms now and have it ready before the end of this month. I am sorry if I sound bossy or rude. It's just been a while now and I still don't have the forms of the other appliers. I hope y'all understand how I feel and take this seriously.

IF you want to back out, then do tell ke now. I will let it slide this one time. 😊 I know how busy everyone is now that we are all back in school; online or face-to-face, but I hope that y'all will keep your end of the deal and follow the rules of this applyfic. That's all. Thank you for taking your time in reading this and good luck with your forms! 😄💖


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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