Sleep Disorder For The Win

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When COVID hit, but before my college went to online classes, I was at the vineyard eating dinner with CeeCee's family one night. I mentioned that I might have to move back home soon (I grew up about 2 hours north of the vineyard). 

To my shock, CeeCee's mom said, "You could just stay with us so you're closer to campus in case they have in-person classes again. CeeCee has a huge bed."

CeeCee smiled at me. "Yeah! Stay here."

I just about choked! I mean, my family is more of the "Don't ask...and don't tell" type of family when it comes to...sleeping habits. CeeCee's family was apparently more open about things like that. She had only dated one person before me, and I had never dated anyone but CeeCee. To me, the thought of a parent knowing you were sleeping together was awkward to say the least!

How could I say no, though?! Live at a winery/vineyard with an awesome family and share a room with my girlfriend? Heck yes! family always let me know how exhausting and exasperating I was to live with. What if CeeCee and her family realized what an oddball I was (am) and got sick of me? Oh, the insecurities!

I couldn't turn down the chance, though, and moved in. Every day that went by and they didn't act sick of me made me feel more comfortable. Even my short-sleeping was seen as just one of my features, and not some sort of curse. I posted this on Twitter about a month after living with CeeCee and her family.

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Woke up this morning at 3:30.

I get bored in the mornings and don't want to wake anyone. So, I baked cinnamon bread from the sourdough starter that was ready. Divided up the remaining starter, froze some, got the rest packaged to give away.

While the bread was baking, I went for a run. When I got back it was still dark out and everyone was still asleep. I remembered my GF's mom saying the house water filter needed to be changed. I shut off the water, drained the lines, and changed it.

Everyone was still asleep, so I went online and finished some assignments for my classes. While I was working, I looked out the window and noticed a rain gutter was askew. I got the ladder and a drill, and fixed it.

Everyone was still asleep, so I got steel cut oatmeal and dried fruit ready to go in the crock pot for breakfast, took a shower, started a load of laundry, got the coffee pot ready, and crawled back into bed with my girl.

She woke up, looked over at me and said with a smile, "Hey! You slept in!"


Papi has started calling me The Shoemaker's Elves.

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