vegans vs Meat eaters

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Meat eaters can be just as annoying and preachy!

Yes you have people like the vegan teacher ,and other shit people who try to force it down your throat, but the other day when I was just trying to get some nice veggie recipe ideas on TikTok all the vegetarian and vegan tags were meat eaters thinking it's funny to post stuff about meat.

I'm personally vegetarian as I don't like the taste of meat and I've always been a massive animal lover. Now I've only been this since January of 2020 but I'm already tired of the comments.

I can literally just make a passing comment about it and I get told:
"but what do you eat?!"
"Rabbit food"
"You must lack so many vitamins and iron"

I seriously don't care if you eat meat or not only by the unnatural amount which is consumed (but that a another whole can of worms) but why do you care so much about me eating "rabbit food"

The only time I preach about being vegetarian is the fact that cutting meat out of my diet was a healthier choice for ME! And even then, I'm just sharing my experience. I understand and appreciate that not everyone can and wants to cut out animal products.

Just take a chill pill my guy

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