(A/N) I've been thinking.

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Should I scrap the whole 'platonic' part of this story. I originally set out to write this just to be a kinda cute story about two guys playing instruments. I didn't want to make any of the people involved uncomfortable. But as I've thought about it, there are two main reasons for making it a proper ship.

1. It would be easier

2. It would probably be more fun

Furthermore, the main reason I had for making it platonic was because I was using their actual names, and as so didn't want to be shipping actual people. However, this can probably be fixed by making it so that they resemble their in game characters, like the common idea of Techno having long pink hair.

So please, tell me if you would like to see a proper relationship between the two in this book.

I won't make these author's notes a common occurrence, but this is something that has been on my mind since the first chapter.



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