(A/N) Closing Thoughts

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Hello everyone, it's me again.

This will be the final part to this story. I know, sad. But, I had to do this.

Over the past 2-3 weeks I have been part of the dreamnoblade community, I have changed rapidly. When I first joined, it was half way through the school holidays, and I was bored out of my mind. I stumbled upon some dreamnoblade fanfic and found myself loving every one of them. I probably spent 4-5 hours that day just reading these stories, and thinking up my own elaborate stories.

Eventually though, I came up with an idea. I thought about how Techno used to take violin lessons, and so came the idea of writing about Techno playing violin, and Dream playing piano. I went into writing this idea with the intention of just making it a prompt-like thing, not writing a whole god damn story. What I didn't expect was how people reacted to the idea. I thought people would brush it off as bad writing. But, to my surprise, people seemed to really enjoy it. And so, I continued writing. A lot.

At the start, I found myself able to write 1000-1200 words easily in one sitting. This hit its peak in chapter 4, where I wrote 1800 words in one sitting. But, writing this much in such a short amount of time, I soon found it difficult to come up with ideas. I didn't want to give up, but soon chapter 5 came.

Chapter 5, while not the shortest (that award goes to chapter 1), was likely the most difficult chapter to write, and my least favourite. I didn't like how repetitive the whole 'mystery pianist' thing was getting, and coming up with original ways to describe the songs being played was becoming difficult. Chapter 5 had three different endings that I wrote, that is how indecisive I was about this chapter. At this point, I was already feeling burnout, and so one of the chapters ended in Dream dying. The second one ended in him nearly getting himself killed, but he stops at the last second and Techno embraces him. I didn't want to end the story yet, so I didn't choose the first one, and the second one felt too cheesy, so I wrote the one you guys got.

Ultimately though, none of that matters. The story is a bunch of 1s and 0s on some server, being relayed by underground cables to computers where the 1s and 0s are turned into a story some random on the internet wrote. But, I still wanted to thank people.

I want to thank the people of the Dreamnoblade discord server (https://discord.gg/pngmndm) for being so supportive of my writing. Without them, the story probably wouldn't have come to fruition, and so I am thankful for them. I'm thankful for the people who gave feedback on my story, whether it was through the discord or through the comments. Your kind words are what got me though this. And lastly, I want to thank you. For reading the story, for voting on it, for adding it to your library, for adding it to your reading list. Thank you.

Oh, and as a thanks for reading to this point, here's a bonus part of the story. This was going to be the ending to the story, but I decided to officially end it where I did so I wouldn't have to worry about doing my best for it.


The pair stood off stage, looking at the pianist currently playing. The blonde and the pinkette stared in awe at the performer, presently playing The Metamorphosis by Phillip Glass. The finishing chords of the final movement echoed in the concert hall. As the pianist released the sustain pedal, the audience applauded. The pianist got up, bowed, and walked off stage. As the pianist walked past them, Dream smiled. He had been tall, even taller than Techno. Techno only scowled.

An intermission began as the audience died down, allowing people to talk among themselves, get water, and go to the bathroom. However, as this went on, Techno began to get more and more stressed about the upcoming performance. His breathing quickened, vision narrowed. His heart started beating faster and faster. Dream noticed this, and so hugged the taller man, whispering in his ear.

"It's going to be alright Techno, you will play perfectly." This did little to console Techno. Looking out onto the stage, the light's died down, and the sound of a middle-aged man filled the sparse building, reminding people to be quiet and not film the performance. Techno's breathing continued to quicken, and so, Dream had to do something. Squeezing Techno's hand, Dream turned to his lover and kissed his cheek. At this, Techno's face flushed. Dream only grinned.

Hearing the man announce their names and the piece they were playing, Dream, still holding Techno's hand, began walking, dragging Techno along with him.

"Come on, let's do this," Dream said. A determined look filled Techno's eyes.

"Let's do this indeed." He said, stepping out into the view of the audience.


And with that, it's over. The story is going to be marked complete, and no more updates will come out. I'll still be (somewhat) active in the dreamnoblade discord, where I might play some piano if people want it. As for writing, might do some oneshots/prompts if I feel like it, but they would be few and far between.

Thank you for reading.


I'm free

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