Chapter 3 - St. Mungos Hospital

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Ginnys POV

'We wanted to let you know that your recent scan has shown that your baby has a certain...look about him. He looks different. Here, this is your first son James' scan and here is his. See the heart, it's pumping differently to what we expect from a normal foetus. Sometimes this can happen and normally it does not end well. Normally the baby dies but the only recorded case of this happening and surviving is dead now.'

'What was his name.' Harry demanded, standing up and leaning across the table. The healer suddenly cowered away, and I tried to calm Harry down, he tended to accidentally use non-verbal spells when he was angry, like the story about his Aunt Marge when he was 12.

The healer seemed to regain a little bravery "Mr Potter, if you could please sit down and I would explain."

Harry seemed to calm down, and as he returned to his seat, I ran my hand down his arm, to calm him down.

"Well, as you know, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was-" and all of a sudden Harry cut her off.

"Voldemort. Call him Voldemort."

"Ok, well as you know, Voldemort was conceived under a love potion, now that tends to cause an absence of love or caring in the foetus. Now I am sure that you did not use a love potion, but our only guess is that the remaining magic may have activated in Mr Potters scar, and when the foetus was conceived, it may have transferred it. Obviously we will know the true effects once he or she is born, but until then, we will keep you posted." I thanked her, and left briskly before Harry started on another argument.

I have no idea what to do, I mean clearly we could have an abortion, but I would need Harry's permission, and I could not destroy a life, enough were taken during the big battle of Hogwarts.


"What?" He snapped, rounding on me.

"I-I just... Don't worry about it. Just look at me, okay." I tilted his head so that my brown eyes locked onto his emerald ones. "We'll be fine. You will, I will, James will, and this baby will. I promise."

"But you can't! You can't make promises you can't definitely keep!"

"Harry James Potter, stop yelling at me, and listen!" I snapped at him, loosing my temper. We stood still in the hallway, staring at each other. "You are not the only one here who is worried. I'm the mother just as much as you're the father. You are not the only one who's scared, upset and unsure. So please, just stop yelling at me."

"Fine, I'll stop yelling. I'm sorry Gin. I just- I'm terrified. I'm terrified, and don't understand any of this. How- how has this happened? There was no love potion involved, and as for the scar initiating it... The horcrux was destroyed. This doesn't make any sense. And you heard what the Healer said: Voldemort's the only known case where the foetus survived."

"Yes Harry, I know. I was there. And I understand how scares you are, because I'm scared too. But we have to through this, as a family. We've gone through so much, we can't fall down at this hurdle. We have James to look after, we have responsibilities."

I gave him a hug.

"Sorry for yelling at you, Gin. Work's been really stressful recently, and all of this- I can't bear to lose this child any more than I could bear losing you or James."

"Again, I know and understand. But we can and will get through this." I said the last part forcefully, as though saying them that way would force them into turning true.

So, so sorry for the lateness of this update. I don't think that either me or Molly thought that people were really reading this.

So after a year we've finally updated... Sorry. But yay, update?

I hope you guys liked this, and that it was worth the wait.

Hopefully, we'll start this up again, but I can't promise anything at this moment in time.

-Alice xoxox

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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