chapter 4

27 0 3

Finn's pov

Finn: hey Jack

Jack: hey finn

Finn: im so bored right now. My friends went to some dudes house for a few days and they didnt invite me.

Jack: wanna come over to my house? I have friends over for a week. You wanna stay too?

Finn: sure. How many days?

Jack: a week. Pack a week worth of clothes and some water clothes.

Finn: ok see you at 8.

Jack: ok. See you then.

Finn. What the address?

Jack: ****************

Finn: thanks. See you then.



                     Read by jack.

( a week after the sleepover.)

Eleven started a Group chat with bill, bev, kayla, jack, ben, finn.

El: hey guys. How was everyones week?

Kayla: hey. My week was good.

Bill: hey. Mine was amazing.

Bev: hi. Mine was nice amd relaxing.

Jack: hello. Mine was wonderful. Me and gf spent time together.

Kayla:  ;))

Ben: hi. Mine was cool.

Jack: has anyone talk to finn lately?

Bill: no

Finn: guys im here. Sorry I havent been talking to you guys. I was really busy over the week.

Kayla:  oh ok. I was worried. 😶😶

Finn: aww thanks for caring about me. 😍😀😶

Jack: how was you week El?

El: mine was good.

Jack: thats good.

El: yep...

Text messages ( Finn x jack )Where stories live. Discover now