chapter 6

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Kayla's pov

Kayla: hey jack.

Jack: hey babe

Kayla: i have to tell you something.

Jack: what is it?

Kayla: i want to break up.

Jack: you want to break up?

Kayla: yes. Im sorry.

Jack: why tho?

Kayla: well im- im- lesbian.

Jack: oh. I was actually gonna say the same thing cause im gay.

Kayla: oh ok.

Jack: yea.

Kayla: so, i guess we are over?

Jack: yea. I guess we are...

Kayla: still wanna be friends tho?

Jack: of course.

Kayla: thats good. Well i have to go.

Jack: bye.

Finns pov

Finn: hey jack, i have to tell you something.

Jack: so do i.

Finn: ok. You go first.

Jack: no you go first.

Funn: alright then... me and El broke up. It turns out we had the same reason. Im gay shes lesbi.

Jack: really?  Thats what happened with me and kayla.

Finn: do you think they are gonna end up dating each other?

Jack: probably.

Finn: oh ok.

Jack: do you think that me and you will date?

Finn: mabye. Yea.

Jack: cool.

Finn: yep.

Jack: wanna hang out tomorrow?

Finn: sure. Wanna stay the night at my house?

Jack: yea sure, why not.

Finn: ok. See you tomorrow at 3.

Jack: ok. See you then.

Finn: ok. Bye

Jack: bye.

Text messages ( Finn x jack )Where stories live. Discover now