1 Raura

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Heart-Broken Kisses

Laura's pov

I arrived to the beach at precisely 11:31 pm. Ross had asked me to meet him here.

Usually when something is on either one of our mind's we ask each other to come to the beach. It's really sweet.

I was wearing a white short sleeved dressy top with a light brown, thin belt.

I had my hair down and curled, with a side parting. I had a braided, brown, leather headband.

I walked down the path in my light brown matching sandals and noticed a little candle light.

I approached it and sat down on the laid out blanket. I picked up a rose that said, "Julie will you marry me?"

My eyes widened.

I heard someone muttering something. "I like you..." He was talking to himself.

I felt butterflies when I realised it was Ross.

I stood up from the wrong blanket and walked over to his.

He noticed me, "Laura?!"

I chuckled, "Yes."

He sighed and sat down next to me.

"So..what's up?"

"Laura...I know someone who likes you.."

"Gee thanks..me too.."

His eyes widened. He didn't mean to say it like that.

"No, no! I meant...like like.."

My eyebrows raised.

He just sat there staring at me....


He blinked and shook his head,"Sorry.. He doesn't want to tell you until you say you like him.."

"But I don't know who he is.."

"You will do.."


"He feels like you like someone else.."


He subtly moved a little closer to me..

"He thinks you like Bradley.."

"Wait..from the Vamps?"
I felt a little blush appear. There just had to be clear moonlight on us..

"Yeah...or Andrew.."

I snorted, "Me?!! Andrew?!! Wow.."

Me and Andrew?! Just imagine! We're FRIENDS not LOVERS

"Wait..so you don't like him?"

"I don't think that would EVER happen.."

He half-smiled in the moonlight.

"But do you like Parker or Jake?"

"Wait, how does he know Jake?"

He shuffled uncomfortably, "Mutual friends.."

I narrowed my eyes, "Okayyyy..." Was he lying to me?

He shifted again. Moving a little closer to me.

Ross' pov

I was so freaking scared. Call me a wimp. But seriously if I messed this up..

"And Parker?"

Why didn't I jut shut my mouth there?!

She looked away,"Why is he so bothered?"

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