Chapter 38

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Greenwood T.A 2059

                      My dreams had not been pleasant, they had been uncomfortable, even bordering a nightmare because I feared what Ranîr would do once this child was born

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                      My dreams had not been pleasant, they had been uncomfortable, even bordering a nightmare because I feared what Ranîr would do once this child was born. I had been crying when I came back around, rolling to my back half expecting Thranduil to still be at my side but I was alone. I blinked through my tears and managed to clear my vision, searching for him. I sat up right, still searching for him. It didn't take long before I found him in the rocking chair once more. He was rocking gently while holding his son in his arms. Legolas had come during the night, properly because of a bad dream.

I exhaled in relief and laid back down, settling on my side again while shifting to get comfortable. Thranduil's eyes had been closed while he held his son in his arms. Legolas was also fast asleep already which meant they had sat there for a while. I smiled at the sight, taking everything in until he suddenly opened his eyes to look at me. Thranduil seemed confused for a second that I was awake, but it vanished rather quickly as he offered me a smile instead. However, it was then I realized it was not yet completely dark, the sun had barely begun its decent below the tree line. Or so I thought. It took me a while to understand that the sun was not going down, but rising, I had slept through the night.

"Ûtridien has arrived, he came in the early morning hours from Imladris." Thranduil announced while straightening in the chair. I nodded in response and sat back up again while supporting my weight with a hand on the bed. "He is tending to Charanthir at the moment and should return shortly." Thranduil shifted forwards on the chair before standing up. He shifted his hold on his son before taking the first step towards the door. "I'll be back soon." He smiled at me before looking at Legolas in his arms.

I nodded in response and scooted off the bed when he left the room. I found my feet but was surprised how shaky my legs were and was forced to sit down in the rocking chair Thranduil had just left. I exhaled deeply and lent heavily against the chair while rocking gently. The motion soothed some of the discomfort I had been feeling. Then knocks sounded on the still open door. It startled me, forcing me upright in the chair until I saw who it was. Ûtridien smiled at me while lowering his hand. He remained in the door and listened for me. "Look who's finally back." I chuckled, which transferred to him as well. Ûtridien chuckled in response as he walked into the room.

Ûtridien positioned his herb bag on the bed before he moved to me. He knelt at my side before reaching for my arm resting on the armrest. He took my pulse before his hand shifted to my rounded stomach, where it rested for a few seconds before he stood back up. Then he moved back to the bed where he sat down. "How are you feeling?" He asked and rested his elbows against his knees. He was still in his usual dark blue traveling robe. His forearms decorated with the armguards Rüdhon had gifted him the same year I came of age because his had broken during a fight that year.

I admired them again as I had done so many times before I extended my hand, fingers bushing against the leather armguard. Ûtridien smiled when he felt my touch and remained still when I moved my hand down to his. Ûtridien sucked in a deep breath with the touch because he hadn't been prepared for it but he recovered relatively quick and offered me another soft smile while covering my hand with his other. "I'm better than I was a month ago—the discomfort and nausea have all but disappeared." I replied to his previous question. Ûtridien nodded and some of his black hair shifted over his shoulder with the motion. "But I'm still weak—" I admitted, and he straightened.

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