Breath of Life

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if you love me, take my breath

nothing welcomes me more the death

of the pride of men who know not what course others take

as they breathe and as they wake

Fire on fire, and death after death. Looking at the television is revolting nowadays. It'll only take a couple of hours for the country to hear those blasted words on cable. Knowing that children don't know of the world that awaits them beyond their bedroom doors is terrifying. Not for them, but for this generation that can barely drive to school and give a vote about the rules. 

place on the table the fragrant mignonettes

bringing the last of the red asters and let

the just God who presides over the destinies of nations

whittle away the weak and bring forth creations

White walls fill the view. The earthquakes never stop until there is sleep and the grave, being robbed of life yet again. Taking the blood and giving just air. The bodies seem to be endless. Aching and gross and the tears can't... won't stop falling down truly, endlessly, knowing the ending is slooming around the breeze. 

the poor baby fox lies all cold in his lair

his mama just vanished and left him there

like a false-hearted lover just like my own

who made me love him, then left me alone

They sure are nice. They have a big house, a cute dog, and lots of video games to play all night on. That's a really nice bed! A lot nicer than the floor. Maybe, just maybe a little nap would be nice. Is it safe? Can sleep even exist without yelling or that weird smell of medicine? If only Mama hadn't left. This is the sixth family but she's the one true one for me. 

deceit and sorrow have no more place

the embers of her cruel fire have gone out 

every snare is broken and torment disappeared

it is grief and fear i am without

Sprinting to the car, quickly keys in hand. It's locked. There are no lights on this street to illuminate the path mentally prepared ahead of time. Pepper spray in hand, unlocking the cart then quickly again lock it. Emergency on dial, phone in the pocket. The skirt was a bad idea. Everyone knew it was a bad idea. Jeans and jackets and sweatshirts and more couldn't hide the damage their words did purposefully. 

sweet flame, i keep you in my soul like a treasure

the heart gives way to love and happiness feels without return

away from the gloomy winter let me sleep before stripping it

in this dream that intoxicates me, i surely dream to live in it

The greatest victory is that which requires no battle. When I was a little girl I loved to sing and dance. The sweet flame of my love for it burned most ardently. It had bewitched me, in body and soul and I couldn't have parted with it in a more forlorn way. Do not consider me now as that, but instead as a rational creature speaking from the truth of her heart. And as people alter themselves, there is always something new to be observed. And if that's not a sign of hope, I don't know what is.


this story is written from my own perspective in terms of the current political events: riots and violence, hospital life, adoption and the foster system, being a woman, being myself

songs: se tu m'ami by alessandro parisotti; alerseelen by richard strauss; trees on the mountain by carlisle floyd; vittoria, mio core! by giacomo carissimi; je veux vivre by charles gounod

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