Fisk's Joke Party.

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Noir: So Fisk's thugs are coming after you and all of us. But SUPRISE ATTACK!

Swater saw it coming so he jump of the suprise attack.

Noir: What in the... HOW?!

Spider-Gwen: Maybe It's because he was a Spider Veteran too, Noir.

Then they all tried to suprise attack him but...he was good at it.

Spider-Man: Thank god, this kids good at dodging.. unless..

Swater-Spider: Spider sense..

He then walked away from Peter as he tried to kick Swater.

Spidey: Whaaa...?!

Noir: Wow, you really proved your worth!

They headed to a momument to where Wilson Fisk was making about of Spider-Man.

Spider Gwen: What a pig..

Spider-Ham: I'm right here, and quite frankly, I'm offended.

Noir: Wait, Look at what the waitresses are wearing.

Noir pointed at them and seeing that they were wearing a Spidey mask and bow tie.

Noir: It can't be that easy-

Time skip.

Noir: It's that easy.

Kingpin: I would like to thank you all for coming here, Spider-Man and I were very close.

Let's just get moving to the time skip.


They went to the collider, then Spidey took out the goober.

But, the thugs came in shortly after.

Spider-Man: They know we're here, don't they? 

Swater: Yep.

Dock Ock came in chocking Peter.

Dock Ock: Say Goodbye, Pete-

BUT- Swater Spider came in and punched Dock Ock in the face-

Spidey: Nice one, Swater!

Swater: Thanks!

Time skip:

Eventually, they got to where things would come to an end.

The Spiders jumped in.

Swater Spider landed back to where he was sitting and went back to what he was doing.

And they all lived a brighter life in the after life.


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