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Yeah so that's the song that inspired this teaser for the story. Yes, this is just the teaser. :> Alright, go ahead and read on!))

The music is loud. I can't focus my sight for anything. It smells like a mixture of perfumes and colognes and it's making my nose burn. The taste of one too many mocktails lingers on my tongue, and I feel sort of dizzy. How did I end up in this situation? In this crowd? I can't even hear my own thoughts properly over the sound of this roaring music and the voices of all these people, I-


I barely hear Caesar say to me. Yeah, that's right...I'm here with Caesar...

"Where's your mind at? Stay focused. You're the one who whined and begged for me to bring you here, after all."

Hah? Wow. Not gonna lie, that was kinda rude Caesarino. Don't make me sound like some brat. But, it's true. I begged and pleaded with Caesar relentlessly for weeks on end to take me to his workplace once I found out he had a part-time job. Never imagined it'd be at a place like this though. I blankly nod.

"Good. Now put your hands here..."

Caesar commands me, grabbing my hands and placing them on his hips. Hm...not bad. Caesar keeps his hands on top of mine, and slowly starts to rock his hips to the rhythm of the music. Ah, wait, wait...what am I supposed to do now? Caesar, help...!

"Now while I move my hips...you try to sway with me, okay? Try to stay in sync. Just let your body take over completely."

Wow, Caesarino must be so skilled in this area. But now I wonder...how many guys has he done this with? How many more after me? I don't want to think about such things...I mean, I don't like like Caesar. But I do like him. I just don't want anyone else to have him. That's a normal thought, right? It's just a friend thing...

As I think all these things, my body subconsciously starts to rock with Caesar's effectively. I'm behind him, so he isn't facing me. That's good. If he were able to see me, I'm sure he'd read my thoughts perfectly. But being behind him, I can see his neck...his back...his silky blond hair. Plus he smells good...

Hey, getting aroused by your best friend is still considered a bro thing, right??

At some point Caesar lifted his hands from mine. I'm assuming Caesar thought I didn't need the guidance anymore. Which was true, I kept my hands steady against Caesar's hips, as our bodies rocked and pressed together. We grinded and clashed closely, each time in sync with each other and the music. Caesar seemed impressed.

"Wow, Jojo. I guess I underestimated you. You're pretty good."

Yep, you bet your ass you underestimated me Caesar-Chan. But that's the least of my problems right now. I mentioned earlier that I got aroused, right? Well, now I'm hard. Who knew dirty dancing like this was so erotic, haha. It surprisingly feels good. Caesar was pretty sexy like this, too...

I tense a little, so my movements become slightly stiff but I hope Caesar doesn't notice. More over...don't notice I'm hard!

Don't notice, don't notice, don't notice, don't notice...!!

But Caesar keeps pressing against me, and...! Ugh, I can't blame him! It's just the style of dance! SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, I THINK HE NOTICED- I CAN PLAY THIS OFF. I CAN I JUST-


Ah, wait, what the hell? Did Caesar just- Before I could even finish my train of thought, Caesar turns to face me. He still grinds against me all the same, but now I can see his face. For the first time in what seems like awhile...

Our eyes finally met.

"Hey, Jojo."

Caesar suddenly says to me. My hands are still on his hips. I swallow hard. Caesar's face is beet red, he's panting softly, and the fact our bodies are still close, and Caesar purposely grinding against me is...

"Y-yeah, what is it Caesar-?"

"I feel good...you do too, right?"

Wait, wait! Slow down! You're going too fast Caesar-! What do you mean you 'feel good'!? Does that mean that noise he made earlier was because when we were grinding he...OH GOD DID HE FEEL MY- AGAINST HIS- GRANNY ERINA I'M SORRY KILL ME NOW. I looked at Caesar completely shocked. My face grew red from embarrassment.

"Jojo...let's go feel good together."

Erotic Dancer Caesar x JosephWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu