Chapter 9

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That night was probably the most relaxed night of my entire life. For once, everyone willingly went to dinner and talked freely with one another. People were talking, laughing, and reminiscing together. As we finished up dinner and were about to get up, Nathan quickly whispered something in my ear: "Can I talk to you after this?" I nodded to him and mouthed the garden. It was a nice night and the library still carried so much tension in it. While everyone else made their way into the drawing room for tea and nightcaps, the two of us snuck away to our special spot in the gardens. The moonlight made his skin look like it was made out of porcelain, and his eyes sparkled with the reflections of the millions of stars in the sky.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well, I realized that I never got to finish asking you my question the other night."

"Oh, yeah. What was it?"

"Avery Friar, would you make me the happiest person ever and be my girlfriend?"

"Oh my gosh. Are you serious?"

"Deadly. Why so surprised?"

"Well, I figured that you didn't like me like that. I've always liked you, but I thought it would just be another one of those hopeless crushes. Why would someone like you like someone like me?"

"Aves, you're crazy. You are amazing, strong, brave, powerful, smart, determined, and beautiful inside and out. You got your grandmother and mother to start talking again. That super fun and relaxed dinner all of us just had? You did that. You single-handedly brought peace back to this family. You light up any room you walk into, even if it's pitch black and you are in the worst mood possible."

"Wow. Do you really mean all of that? Am I that special to you?"

"Of course I do. Do you want more proof?" I slightly nodded. He gently cupped my face in his hand, tilted my head a little bit, and then kissed me. It was just like I had read in fairy tales. The world stopped right in that moment. It was like we were the only ones in existence. He broke from the kiss just as gently as he had started it.

"Yes, Nathan Gardner. I would love to be your girlfriend."

Not long after our moment, he walked me back to my room. I gave him a quick kiss before I closed the door and collapsed on my bed. I went over to my vanity to start getting ready for bed, when there was a knock on my door.

"It's open."

The door opened to reveal basically all of the women I had grown up with: Mom, Grandma, Aunt Maya, Aunt Sarah, and Cass. They came in and sat in various spots around my room, most of them sitting in my little sitting area while Cass sat on my bed and Aunt Sarah sat in the chair by one of the windows.

"What's going on guys?"

"Nothing with us. What about you?" My Aunt Maya said with a slightly evil grin.

"What are you talking about?"

"I think my mom was talking about how I saw you and Nate walk outside together after dinner, and how when we saw him in the hall, he was the happiest any of us had ever seen." Cass explained, the same grin as her mother appearing on her face. Sometimes the resemblance was uncanny.

"Nothing happened. We just talked and walked around the gardens for a little bit." I looked around the room to see if any of them had bought it. Aunt Sarah and Grandma seemed to have, but Aunt Maya, Mom, and Cass clearly hadn't.

"Aves, you are the worst liar ever."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, first off, you do the same thing your mother did when she was trying to hide moments with your dad when they were younger. Second, just talking and walking wouldn't make Nathan that happy. And third, I'm pretty sure all of us know what the gardens mean to you guys. It's your spot." You probably think that Cass said all of that. It was actually Aunt Maya. It's like they're the same person sometimes!

"Yeesh. Fine, we talked about everything that happened the past couple of days, and it was really nice. You happy?"

"Then why is your lipstick smudged?" I immediately spun around to look in the mirror, and sure enough, some of my dark mauve lipstick was surrounding my lips. I turned back around and gave Cass a death glare for pointing it out to everyone.

"Okay, fine! He asked me to be his girlfriend, I accepted, and then we might have kissed." The three of them were visibly happy and relieved when I said that, with Cass even laughing a little (probably proud of herself for getting it out of me). Grandma was laughing at mom, probably because it sounds like Nate and I aren't too different from my parents. The only one who didn't seem to really react was Aunt Sarah. I turned around so that I was looking at her sitting by the window.

"Aunt Sarah, are you okay with this? After all, he is your son."

"Avery, I have never been more okay with anything in my entire life. I'm just happy that he finally asked you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, ever since I can remember, he's always only ever really talked about you. It was clear as day to me that he liked you, and I always suspected that you liked him. And after everything that's happened the past couple days, I'm thrilled that you guys got to have such a romantic and perfectly innocent moment. I guess sometimes we all forget that you guys are only 13. You act so much older."

We gave each other a quick hug before the male members of my family barged into the room, with my dad holding Nate by the collar and Uncle Charlie, Uncle Josh, and Grandpa behind them.

"Avery, what did he do to you?"

"Relax dad. We walked around the gardens for a little bit, we talked about everything that's happened, he asked me to be his girlfriend, I accepted, we kissed, then he walked me back to my room." He quickly gave Nate a side glare before releasing him.

"Dad, why didn't you stop him?"

"Oh please. Your like his son already. The worst he would've done would've been to slap you across the head a couple times. Plus, since she's like a daughter to me, if you hurt her, I will help him hurt you."

Everyone in the room laughed a little at their comments before they realized that it was getting pretty late.

"Guys, I think we should all head to be. It's almost 11!" My Uncle Josh said as everyone started gathering their stuff. I gave everyone a good-night hug, but when I got to Nate, I gave him a quick kiss. Everyone "ooh-ed" and "aww-ed" before leaving.

Now as long as no drama happens between now and the coronation ball in two weeks, everything will be perfect.


I saw them in the gardens. I can't believe that he actually asked her to be his girlfriend. He was supposed to ask me! He probably just asked her because he pitied her. I saw everyone laughing in her room. Perfect Princess Avery. In all of their eyes, she can do no wrong.

I don't need her to do something wrong. I just need to make everyone think that HE did. Then I'll have him all to myself.

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