Chapter 1 |Beginnings|

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*Flashback* September 26th

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*Flashback* September 26th. 2 weeks ago from Today.

I put my cup down drowsily , a little bit of the beer spilling onto my hand. I almost laugh at myself as I lean back in my chair.

I had never taken a fucking sip of alcohol before but today? No...tonight? I drank that shit like it was the only thing that could keep me alive. It was my fucking battery acid.

Junior something else. Fucking SAT's and college admissions. It's stressful and if I can let loose for one night at some random guy's party and even maybe lose my virginity soon, I could probably make Junior Year the worst and best year of my life.

The music shakes the room, the speakers on full blast with no care if a noise complaint was going to show up at their door. I enjoyed it. Normally EDM and rap isn't on my playlist but maybe I should add it on.

I look around and squint at the people around me.

Everyone around me seemed..curvy and..squiggly. Is that what it's suppose to look like? Boy, if it is...then the one very squiggly but cute boy in front of me is killing me.

I hear him sigh and he crouches at my side, hands on his knees. Never had I seen this boy in my life, but the way he so confidently approached me was...almost like he's known me for years.

"Can you hear me?" He says, voice like a megaphone even across this loud music.

"Y-eh...yeah." I mumble, cringing to get a better look at him.

"You are very clearly out of it." He says slowly, making sure I can understand. "Are you tired?" My eyes were closing as he was saying those words, almost answering for him. "I-..okay. Do you have any friends here that can possibly take you home?"

I close my parted and almost dry lips and shake my head no. I was stupid for coming here alone, no doubt about it.

"Does anyone know you are here Valerie?"

His voice? Not recognizable.
What I can see from his face? I think I can take a little guess from his brown hair feature but half the school has brown hair.

My name? Fitted perfectly in his mouth.

I-..woah girl. Let's keep yourself..not horny.

I shake my head. "Nu...Nuh no."

Why can't you fucking speak? You do it all the time. Shouldn't drunk mean more talking?

Oh.. that's why.

You've just blacked out.

A hand slides it self under my legs and the other on my back. I remember getting lifted up and leaning into someone's arm. None of whom I knew.

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