Chapter 2. |Commentary|

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"Be safe

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"Be safe. You got water with you?" Angelina questions. I nod and put my cap on. Sure it wasn't baseball season just yet but I need to get work in.

"Yeah. I'm all good. Text me when you get home alright?" She nods and takes her keys out. "Bye."

I get into my car and put my backpack in my passenger seat while Angelina gets into hers. I wave to her one last time and she does the
same before pulling out of her spot. I don't bother to put on my seatbelt and just pull out of my spot.

I throw my backpack over my shoulder and open the gate onto the baseball field. The empty field was nothing but an easy aesthetic that I will always remember, no matter how old I manage to live for. I won't get to experience this for much longer though as my scholarship to Harvard will end up giving me an entirely new aesthetic that I honestly....probably won't like considering that Angelina won't be there. I shut the gate and head to the ball pitchers.

Normally, I'd have a teammate to help me train but for the past couple of days, Its just been me and though I'd normally like it that way, its hard to train all by yourself. Especially as a pitcher.

I put my backpack down and grab one of my baseballs from the largest pocket. I toss it up a couple of times before grabbing my glove. I clench my jaw and sigh, trying to remember how I did this yesterday.

(I literally can't breathe, the way I made the smaller version of him look like a whole ass serial killer I-😭)

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(I literally can't breathe, the way I made the smaller version of him look like a whole ass serial killer I-😭)

"Mom I don't need your commentary right now.." I rub my temple as I sit at the kitchen table, hearing my mom rant like crazy. "I understand but if I could do something about it, I would mom!"

"You're education Xavier! Understand that, please! I'm already tired and-..and now all of a fucking sudden your ass is out of school?" she throws the towel on the table. "Baby, does it look like I want to deal with this right now? Hm?!"

"Does it look like I do mom?!' I sigh in hatred of myself for raising my voice at my own mother. "Look I don't want this happening either, and I'm trying to do what I can but its not enough to get me back in! So I'm going to take this time to use it the way I'm suppose to."

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