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~The Interview ; The first question~

"Hi everyone!" Jennie and Lisa said for the people watching/viewers of their live interview

"I'm Jennie" Jennie said and looked at Lisa with a sweet smile

"And i'm Lisa" Lisa looked back at Jennie with a smile and raised the both of her eyebrows that made Jennie giggle and her giggle too. And they faced back the camera as they giggle

"okay so for today we will have a live interview with our couple- oh didn't meant to say that but.. Are you guys together?" Mia (host) said

"Oh about that.." Jennie stopped and look at Lisa

"haha, i'm still courting her..

Courting her until i'll get her sweet yes"

Lisa added as she stopped at the middle of her sentence. After her words she took a short glance at Jennie and she saw a tomato mandu Jennie.

"aww thats sweet" Mia (host) said

Lisa giggled.

"Okay we will give you this iPad and we already screenshoted all the questions we choosed" Mina (host) said

"okay okay" Jennie replied

"okay" Lisa cleared her throat and smiled that made everyone even the viewers curious

Jennie smiled too but in a curious way "why are you smiling?" Jennie asked

Lisa just laughed while clspping her hands that made Jennie more confused and curious

"HAHAH THE QUESTION SAYS" she cleared her throat once again "Jennie, have you already sat on Lisa's lap? If yes, how does it feel? What happened after you sat on Lisa's lap?. If no, why are you not or why haven't you sat on Lisa's lap before?" Lisa laughed again while Jennie is just shocked about her question

Her eyebrows are raised up while mouth smiling while forming an 'o' at the same time because of shockness

"omyy God" Jennie said while her eyes are looking all over the plays not knowing what to say and there's Lisa, still laughing while clapping her hands ;-;

Jennie smiled "Tsk, why would i sit on her lap guys? And why are you guys even asking that kinds of questions and asking what did we do after i sat on her lap.. Ughh! First of all, i DIDN'T and i HAVEN'T sat on her lap" Jennie said

"yet" Lisa continued that made Jennie made a shock face again and Lisa giggling 'kekeke' while her hands covering her mouth

"shut up!" Jennie said that made Lisa laugh. From giggling to laugh

~Second Question~

"Lisa, why did you court Jennie? Tell us why. And tell us what's your life right now or what are you doing right now if u didn't met Jennie" Jennie said, reading the second question of their interview

"oh.. why did i court her?" Lisa looked at Jennie up and down and looked back at the camera and said "i can't explain.. She's just... Too precious for me"

Lisa said, looking back at Jennie again and Jennie winked at her making Lisa's heart melt lol.

Jennie chuckled after she winked at Lisa

"what would be my life doing right now if i didn't met my future girlfriend, wife... Hmm.. Maybe it's a really boring life if i didn't met her. And it's not imposibble that i'll not meet her. God really chose me and her together. Not my exes out there. It's an ew for me when it comes to them! They cheated on me lol. But now? I have this loyal, cute, hot, yummy, precious, kind, pretty mandu right here" Lisa answered

"Yah monkey what do you mean yummy?" Jennie asked and facepalmed her self. Like this --> 🤦🏼‍♀

Come💃on🕺shake💃your🕺body💃do🕺that💃conga🕺know💃you🕺cant💃control🕺💃any🕺longer💃🕺💃🕺 HAHHAHA

Thats all!! Stay safe everyone!!

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