When you say no to a kiss (jokingly)

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-looks at you while jaw dropped
-"fine" and gets ready to walk away but you pull him close and tell him you were joking
-doesn't find it funny
-petty for the rest of the day

-"did you just say no?"
-bitch pulls you close and still does it and a long kiss
-"I was joking, jeez"
-"Ofc you were"

-gets sad
-you tell him right away you're joking
-give him a big kiss

-just pouts
-and cuddles you close and starts begging
-"Suga I was just joking ofc you can get a kiss"
-Kisses you for a long time

- "O-oh alright, did I do something?"
- you give him a kiss right after he said that
-told him it was a joke and he giggled

-picked you up and kisses you passionately
-you told him you're joking about it
-he just smiles

-caught him off guard by a lot
- you tell him you are kidding and pull him into a kiss

-you go on his lap and kiss him
-tell him it's a joke
-he just lets out a hm and continues to cuddle you and plays his game

-" I know you wanna kiss me (Y/N) come on"
-you tell him it was post to be a joke but now that he was cocky he don't deserve one
-begs for one
-you use it as black mail cuz you recorded it

-emo mode right away
-"No baby I was just joking come here"
-You kissed him and he was okay after that
-tells you to never do it again

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