Ch. 2

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"Where on earth is that buil-" smack! She slammed into something quite squishy, then fell to the hard concrete.

Holding her head, she sat up and looked around. What had she slammed into? She turned and saw a girl dressed in all gold sitting on the walkway, looking bewildered. Her eyes traveled down to the girl's chest.

Oh. That was what was so squishy.

She got up, dusting off her bright green tank top and shorts. She considered the other girl for a moment, before getting up and offering Gold Girl a hand. The girl pushed her self off of the concrete, grabbed her luggage, and glared at her. "Yeesh, touchy." She muttered under her breath. "Well I'll have you know that-" The red faced girl stopped, a look of panic on her face. She tore her focus away from the sparkly girl and watched two pieces of what seemed to be a schedule float away in the wind. Was it hers? She smirked when she saw who it was floating towards, but Gold Girl must have taken it the wrong way. "Oh, so you think that's funny?!" She turned, stunned at the remark. She may be a jokester, but she'd never laugh at someone's problem."Oh, no I-" suddenly, she saw a flash of silver from the corner of my eye.

"Heeeeeey!" She turned away from the fuming gold-clad warrior and bent down to hug her friend. "This is yours, correct?" She handed me a schedule. "Oh no, it's-" "Not you," she said. "Catherine." She gestured for her to give the pieces of paper to the sparkling girl in front of them. She took them with delight. "Thanks so much! I-" she stopped. "How did you know my name was Catherine?" She said, clearly creeped out. "It's on your schedule, silly." The girl (Catherine apparently) visibly relaxed. "I'm Jane Seymour. Nice to meet you!" Jane stuck her hand out, and Catherine grabbed it. "I'm- well, you already know my name." Then, she herself stepped in front of Catherine. "I'm Anne. Anne Boleyn."
Lotta short chapters, longer ones soon!

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