Ch. 3

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Catherine tensed at Anne's gesture and gave her a curt head nod before turning on her heels and starting away. Jane called after her, hoping she heard her.

Jane couldn't exactly run after her, so yelling was usually her go-to method for getting someone's attention.

Thankfully, she turned and looked at her, a puzzled look on her face. Jane motioned her over and said "Come with us! We'll show you to your dorm." Anne looked confusedly at me and muttered "No we won't-" I jabbed her in the ribs with as much force as I could and that seemed to shut her up. "Ow," Anne pouted next to me. I scolded her through my teeth. "I want to keep her around. I have a good feeling about her. Like she could be beneficial. So play nice or so help me god I will smack you into outer space. Understand?" Anne tried to hide it but I could tell she gulped. I may be wheelchair-bound, but I can still be scary. She nodded and Catherine had reached us just in time for her to hear the end of my sentence. "Understand what?" She puzzled. I shook my head, waving it off. "Oh, nothing. I saw your dorm number before. You're actually right near Anne and I! Come this way." I started off on the correct pathway and Catherine followed, leaving a begrudging Anne trailing behind her.

Again, sorry about the short chapters, I kinda wanna get the biggest portion of the cast introduced because the ways they meet Kate Howard and Katherine Parr are both a bit unconventional and take more of a setup than the first four intros. You will only see POV's of characters you have already met unless I am introducing them. Anyways, sorry for the paragraph, kisses!

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