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Elizabethian had only been kissed twice before in her life. When she was twelve years old and at a birthday party with her sisters during the years where if you invited one triplet to a party, you had to invite the other two as well.

She knew she wasn't going to have a fun time at that party, so she found a book to read while she sat in the corner of the backyard.

Ashleen was gossiping with the girls, like ten year olds did, while Maxine was playing football with the boys that were there.

Then the birthday girls older brother, only older by a year, walked over and talked to her about the book she was reading.

"I'm reading Lord of the Rings. It's not usually my type of literature, but it was the longest book I could find at my most convince." She said with a shrug and he laughed.

"Why don't you come play with us?" He asked gesturing to the other boys and Maxine who was waving at her from her position as goalie.

She shook her head, "No thank you. Sports and I don't really get along very well."

The boy was named Cory and he somehow talked her into joining the game, thankfully she had been wearing shorts that day.

They played the game and Elizabethian was scarily good at it. She watched them play for a while whenever she heard a loud noise and deduced their next moves before they even thought of it.

The game had to come to an end eventually, because the birthday party would be ending soon, and Elizabethian scored the final goal for Cory's team which made everyone cheer.

And somehow during the commotion, Cory ended up planting a kiss on Elizabethian's lips.

She ended up punching him in the nose for that. His mom wasn't very happy that she broke his nose.


The next time she was kissed was on her eighteenth birthday. She decided to take a break from studying and go out with her floormates. Her roommate had convinced her to go with them to a party at some frat house that she didn't bother to learn the name of.

She didn't drink anything even though in England she would meet the age requirement and had Diplomatic Immunity thanks to her mother so even if she got caught with anything she wouldn't be arrested. She just didn't like the smell of alcohol.

She did end up having fun despite the fact that she told herself she wouldn't, she even took pictures of herself with her friends at the party to prove to her sisters that she wasn't always a stick in the mud.

She ended up dancing with one of her floormates, Jamie, who always talked chatted with her whenever they saw each other. Elizabethian wouldn't call them friends but they were friendly with eachother. She was outgoing, colorful, and was mainly there for the college experience.

She was the opposite of Elizabethian in every way, shape, and form; but the two just clicked.

At first they were just innocently dancing, but then next thing Elizabethian knew they were kissing in the bathroom.

She could taste the alcohol on Jamie's breath, but in all honesty she didn't care, she just enjoyed the feeling.

It didn't last as long because Jamie broke it apart abruptly and left. After that night Jamie avoided Elizabethian at all costs and she didn't know what she had done wrong.


Both memories slipped away from her mind as Spencer kissed her, it was like everything around her was fading away besides the two of them.

He was the one to break it apart which made a whine escape from Elizabethian's chest and he just chuckled, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"We should keep our relationship between us, just so we can make sure this is what we both want. Though, I guess Hotch should know." He joked lightly, but they both knew that no matter what, Aaron needed to know as their Unit Chief.

She could wipe the smile off her face, she just chuckled, "You should go first, then, tell them I went to the Loo ad I will actually be going there to powder my nose." She said looking around the random sitting room is Rossi's mansion trying to find a mirror before looking back at Spencer, "Is my lipstick smudged? How do I look?"

He looked into her Grey eyes and just smiled, "You're beautiful." He said with a cheeky grin before turning around to leave the room.

She couldn't help the blush that appeared on her face this time. She waited a few moment, composing herself before walking the halls and quickly finding a bathroom.

She stepped inside and dug through her bag, but was interrupted when there was a knock at the door.

"Elizabethian? It's your sisters. We need details! Now please!" Ashleen's voice was muffled through the door.

Elizabethian sighed, "Nothing happened, we just had a discussion and we're okay. No more, no less." She didn't like lying to her sisters, but she and Spencer agreed to keep things between them private. 

"Oh bloody hell. Are you okay? Do I need to whip out the nunchucks?" Maxine asked through the door and Elizabethian tilted her head back, ashamed to share the DNA of the crazy ones on the other side of the door.

She opened the door, seeing Maxine swinging the nunchucks in her left hand, locking eyes.

"Go put them in the car."


"Maxine..." Elizabethian's tone was warning and the look in her eyes told the older girl to drop it.

"Fine, let's get back to the party." A groan escaped her lips and she tilted her head back, turning around and walking back to where the party was.

Ashleen sighed as they followed a few feet behind, "I'm going to ask mum if she was adopted."

Elizabethian rose an eyebrow, looking over at her, "Ashleen, we're triplets."

"I still think she's adopted."

"Your logic doesn't make sense."

"Oh shut it with your smart-talk."

Elizabethian turned to her as they joined everyone else, "It's basic common sense!"

"Girls, no arguing at a party." Alice scolded her daughters who shut their mouths instantly.

David, who was in the middle of a conversation with Alice when the sisters walked in, leaned twords the mother. "Can you teach me how to do that?"

"She started it!" Ashleen scolded pointing to Maxine, "All the talk of bringing Nunchucks to a party filled with FBI Agents-"

"Maxine Isabella Cooper I swear to God if you pull out your Nunchucks at this party I will disown you." She threatened as Maxine was headed to the door.

"I'm bloody putting them in the car mum." She said waving her hand.

Elizabethian hung her head in embarrassment as Penelope walked to her side, "I hope they get called back to England early. I don't think my sanity can take much more of all three of them living in my house."

Penelope giggled, "They're staying with you? You poor girl."


A/N: Just a filler chapter. Might throw in some more agnst, might throw in some fluff. The world may never know.


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