the stage

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"it's just a scene and there's nothing more to it."

—f to s

an actor's job is simple. all they need to do is throw some emotion in their voice, make a couple of dramatic facials that paired with their words, and move around as if they knew what they were doing. at least, that's what s always thought. he thought that acting was shallow and basic and anyone could pretend to be a character. it was just lying, right? so he didn't get why his boyfriend was always making such a big fuss about it.

v loved performing and lived to entertain. he enjoyed being under the hot stage lights, hearing his voice echo throughout the theatre, and the applause as he bowed. he took acting very seriously, which s never understood, but he was fine with that and never forced his beloved to go to his shows or care about his rehearsals. v was fine with it because he knew that no matter how dumb s thought it was, he knew that he would still support him.

so he didn't understand why they were arguing now.

"i just don't feel comfortable with you being in this show," s said, arms crossed and leaning on their bedroom doorframe.

"you've never had an issue with my shows before," the actor huffed. he had just come from a long day of rehearsal and now s, who had just come back from working at the local elementary school was looking at him with an unreadable expression. "what's wrong?"

"i saw a promo for your show on a flyer at the bus stop," s sighed. "i didn't know you were the lead in-"

"but isn't that great i finally got a g-" 

"-a romance play."

"oh," his boyfriend mumbled. "i didn't think you'd care." he moved to the edge of the bed. "i've had romantic parts before, ya know."

"i know and i'm sorry for making a fuss about it, but this time is different," s said. "i looked up the plot and you have a sex scene with a girl?"

"well, it's obviously fake," v laughed but s wasn't as amused. "and to clarify it's not a sex scene, more it just leads to an implied sex scene. so we're not even naked and the lights go down before anything scandalous happens. we just make out a bit and get close and make some noises. it's just acting on a stage." the last sentence was what s tried to focus on. he knew that it was just acting and even though he had never seen v perform, he knew his partner was incredible at what he loved. but he couldn't help being jealous, especially since the scene was with a female.

v was bisexual, but s was the first man he had ever dated or been with, and this had always made s a little more insecure than he'd care to admit. "i get that... it's just..." s was embarrassed by his low self-esteem. he didn't want to say how pretty the actress was and how he was afraid she would take v away from him.

"babe, tell me how you feel. i don't want you to have to hold back your feelings from me," v said reassuringly, getting up and squeezing his partner's hands.

"i'm scared," s confessed. "i don't like knowing that you're going to be having such an... intimate moment with a girl."

v smiled. "aw, you're jealous," he cooed, loving how adorable his boyfriend was as he pouted at him. "babe, you don't need to worry about it. she's really sweet and we're good friends. we've done a couple of shows together in the past. you could meet her if that would make you feel better," v suggested.

"i like that idea," s nodded. he didn't want to let his problems stop v from getting his lead role.

"awesome," v grinned. he kissed the top of his boyfriend's head, making the other blush. "i'll talk to her and you can meet her after our rehearsal tomorrow. her name's f and she's really talented. you'll like her."

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