Chapter 1

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As Princess Blossom gracefully walked down the dimly lit stone corridor, the air filled with an air of anticipation. Suddenly, a voice, laced with deference and respect, pierced through the silence. "Your Highness," it rang out, echoing off the ancient walls. Startled by the formal address, Princess Blossom's emerald eyes widened, and she swiftly turned on her heel, her vibrant silk gown swaying with her movement. There, approaching her with determined strides, was a figure she recognized all too well—a familiar face etched with loyalty and dedication.

"What is it, Knight Captain Senecal?" Princess Blossom inquired, a tinge of annoyance seeping into her melodic voice. Glen, caught off guard by her tone, winced imperceptibly. Despite their long-standing connection that had blossomed since their childhood, he despised being addressed so formally by her. He couldn't help but suspect that the mischievous smirk forming on her lips was intentional—an act designed to tease him. Suppressing a nervous cough, Glen cleared his throat, his posture stiffening as he endeavored to present himself as the epitome of a dignified captain.

Glen's voice carried a sense of urgency as he delivered the news. "You are expected to be present at the arena for today's thrilling sword fighting tournament," he declared, his words laced with a mixture of duty and anticipation. His eyes briefly flickered towards the ground before meeting Princess Blossom's gaze. "The King himself awaits your arrival," he added, emphasizing the significance of her timely appearance.

Blossom's voice softened, carrying a hint of playful reproach as she acknowledged Glen's rigid demeanor. "You despise when I resort to formalities with you," she remarked, her eyes searching his face for a flicker of understanding. "And yet, here you stand, rigid as if someone wedged a stick up your rear and paraded you around for all to see." A mischievous glint danced in her emerald eyes, a testament to her playful nature. Her voice then took on a more serious tone, tinged with a gentle plea. "When will you find it in yourself to address me as a friend, dear Glen? We've known each other since childhood, after all."

Glen's response was filled with unwavering dedication and a sense of unwritten obligation. "It is my solemn duty to safeguard you, Princess Blossom, and to defend the prosperity of our kingdom," he replied, his voice resonating with unwavering loyalty. His gaze met hers, conveying a depth of commitment that went beyond mere friendship. "As your devoted servant, I am bound to treat you with unwavering respect and utmost dignity," he continued, his words carrying the weight of his sworn responsibilities.

Blossom sighed softly, a hint of wistfulness tinting her voice. "And yet, you can't stand it when I address you by your formal title," she remarked, her tone tinged with a mix of fondness and amusement. Then, like a gentle breeze on a sunlit spring day, her laughter bubbled forth, filling the corridor with a warmth that seemed to wash away any lingering tension. The sound of her laughter was infectious, carrying a sense of joy and familiarity that could only be born from their shared history and unbreakable bond.

Glen's confusion flickered across his face as he sought to understand the source of Blossom's laughter. "I apologize, Highness," he responded, his voice tinged with genuine perplexity. "I'm afraid I fail to grasp what has sparked such amusement." His brows furrowed, a genuine display of his earnestness to comprehend the lightheartedness that had enveloped the moment.

As Blossom's laughter subsided, a determined resolve settled in her expression. "No more formalities for either of us," she declared, her voice firm yet gentle. "From now on, you shall address me simply as Blossom, and I shall address you as Glen." Her words carried the weight of a direct order, leaving no room for negotiation. With a newfound sense of camaraderie, she extended her hand towards him, a silent invitation to join her on this journey of friendship and equality. "Now, Glen, please escort me to the arena," she requested, the word "please" carrying a touch of playful irony.

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