Chapter 1

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The "joke" had started when my little brother was having troubles focusing in class. My mother and father decided to take him to Boy Town to get him checked out. I was about 11 years old and my brother was about 8 when this happen. It seemed like a long drive from our apartments to there. The heat didn't help to either.

My mother had me sitting next to her in her white 2011 Honda. My younger brother sat in the back, behind my seat. Music wasn't blasting on the radio surprisingly. I had two folders, both filled with pictures I had drawn from previous months, on my lap. In my hands, I was fidgeting with Harry Potter house based magnets. (Screw the transphobic ass author)

It was extremely quiet. Maybe a little too quiet. When we got there, we checked in my brother. It was a long wait in the lobby. When they called us, they took us to a room. There was about 3 chairs against a wall, across from the door. On the wall was the alphabet with pictures. I think one was "Z is for zebra", but I don't really remember much except of wanting to go back home. In front of the chairs, was one of those bed you sit on to get a check-up. The head of it was facing a corner of the room. The end of the bed was pointing at the chair on the farthest right. There was other pictures of things I can't remember what. On the wall the door was attached to was a puzzle type game. A sink and counter was next to the the chair on the right. A black round chair was tucked under the sink part. There was a trash can near the door.

When we got into the room, there was another long wait. My brother was sitting on the bed. My mother sat on the far right and my father sat on the far left. I just played with the puzzle and then stood next to the sink. Eventually, the doctor came in the room and asked my parents some questions. Then he took notes on a clipboard, gave my brother a check-up, and then left for at least 15 minutes. My mom waved me over to sit down. I refused at first, then I sat down in the middle chair and then started to finish a picture. My father was, like always, was making fun of me. Again, this was pretty normal. The doctor soon come back with the result. The doctor said that my brother had autism and attention deficit disorder(ADD, for short). He, then, hands us two "books". One was about autism and the other was about ADHD. 

My mom was crying at this point from the result. "We always thought S was going to have autism," said one of my parents. I couldn't remember which one of them since it was about 2018. My memories has been burry. (Explaining in next three chapter) I looked up confused. "Yeah, probably. Here are some books about ADHD and ASD," the doctor said. Me? They thinking I'm autistic. We soon left. I looked at the books. I did fit in some categories. Told her that. "I don't want you looking at book. I don't need you pushing labels on yourself," she said to me. 

End of Chapter 1.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

A joke that could be trueजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें