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Georgie went to Yoongi's room, looking around. This is the first room of the guys that she has entered, and the one she has yet to meet. She really hopes that it won't be a bother for him. She looked around and saw that the room is much like hers in the floor plan.

The light outside was enough for her to see around, she approached the table at the other end of the room and there were papers lying around, it looked like recipes and some notes and a list for groceries. She went to the bed and even if she was curious about her temporary roommate, she didn't want to intrude. She put her phone on top of the bedside table and settled down. She moaned at how soft the mattress was and she fluffed up the pillow on her head. She got under the blankets, the and decided to scroll on her social media account first.

As she opened her phone, she noticed that she got a message from her parents, asking how the move went and that she should send pictures of the apartment. Quickly typing in a short reply to them promising that she would send the pictures tomorrow. She opened her social media account and saw that she got a couple of friend requests. Checking the profiles she saw that it was Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and Jin. She decided not to add them just yet seeing that she just met them today.

Still scrolling through her account, she saw some of her acquaintances posting about their trips abroad, she laughed at them because she knows how pretentious those people can be. But they're okay it's just that they tend to have their priorities set on different levels. She was about to close her phone when she got a message.

"Why won't you accept my friend request? I see you've been online since a while ago and yet you haven't clicked accept." That was Taehyung.

Another message came in, "Hey, please accept me." Jimin.

"After helping you in reaching that container, you won't even accept my request? Harsh!" Jungkook.

"Georgie, please accept my request, and also can I add you to our group chat?" Jin.

She huffed out a breath, from what she's seen earlier, she already knows that they won't stop bugging her up until she does it. Going to the friend requests, she clicked on accept for all four of them.

"Took you long enough." Jungkook.

"Thank you for accepting." Jimin.

"I thought you wouldn't accept me, I was ready to barge into Yoongi's room and demand an answer." Taehyung.

"You haven't answered me, can I add you to our group chat? Thanks for accepting me by the way." Jin. 

George was typing her reply to Jin when another notification popped up, You have been added to HOUSEMATES group chat. She chuckled softly and would just give Jin hell tomorrow for asking and still doing it without her permission. She yawned and she decided that it's time for her to sleep.

A couple of hours after she fell asleep, Yoongi walked in the room. Accustomed to the room, he didn't open the bedroom light, there was enough coming in from the window anyway. He went straight to the bathroom, stripping off his clothes. He wanted to shower after baking so much for an order for tomorrow.

Once he was done, covered only by a towel around his waist, he looks on the bed and saw a bundle of Georgie under the blanket. "Oh! What the hell?" He shouted in fright. The light from the bathroom and Yoongi's shout woke Georgie up. She rubbed her eyes and looked at him, half naked. "Who the fuck are you? What are you doing in my room?" He demanded.

"What the fuck? Why are you prancing around half naked?" George asked him in a shout.

"Wait up." Yoongi said, putting his hands on his waist and smirked at her, "So now desperate girls would sneak off into my room to get a taste of me? Don't worry baby, I can give you a little of my time tonight."

"What are you saying? I'm your new housemate you idiot!" Georgie was outraged at what he said to her. "Jin let me sleep in here."

Suddenly the door opened with a bang and Jin came running, Yoongi looked at him with murder in his eyes, "What the hell Jin? Why my room? You know that I don't like people staying here."

Jin looks at them both and sighed, "Yoongi, meet Georgie our new housemate. Georgie, this grumpy old man is Yoongi, your temporary roommate." He looks at Yoongi and said, "This is just up until her new bed arrives, and besides, your room is the cleanest out of all of us here. We can't let her sleep on the floor right?"

Yoongi let out a groan, "I don't have any choice anymore right? Fine, she can stay." Looking at Georgie, "Do not touch any of my stuff. You better keep your hands to yourself and I don't like anybody moving around the bed so much."

Georgie gulped suddenly thinking that it was better to sleep on the couch or on the floor of her room. "Thanks. I promise not to touch any of your stuff and I'll try not to move around."

"Everything is settled then, good! I'll head out now, good night you two!" Jin said and before leaving, he said to Yoongi, "Please be nice." Yoongi just stared at him.

Yoongi then opened his built in closet and got a shirt and a pair of boxers shorts. Georgie quickly covered her eyes and laid back down. She silently prayed that he would not be the grouchy, grumpy and gruff Yoongi when morning comes. "I'm sorry I shouted at you and called you an idiot." She said under the blanket.

Yoongi's response was just a hmm. "Good night then." She added but she didn't get any response. She closed her eyes and hoped that sleep would come soon.

Yoongi looked at her and saw that she was already asleep. Her breathing was even and that she looked peaceful. The light was too dim to see her features properly, but he could see the outline of her eyes and cute nose. Her lips looked full and very inviting for a kiss among other things. His mind was wandering of what other things that mouth could do when he shook his head and settled down on his side of the bed.

He woke up when he felt a hand on his chest and a leg on his tummy. Georgie was nuzzling toward him and out of instinct he kicked and pushed her off the bed. "What the f-?" Georgie exclaimed.

"I told you not to move around on the bed. This bed is big enough for two people but how did you manage to reach my side? I don't want you here." Yoongi said.

"Fine!" Georgie stomped out of the room and headed towards the living room. Settling on the leather couch she was angry at what he just did. "Ugh! How could he just push me off the bed like that?" She laid back down and quickly fell asleep.

Meanwhile back in the room, Yoongi felt a bit guilty, he contemplated on going down and apologize to her but he didn't want to. He took a few more minutes of debating with himself until finally he got up and went down, only to find her asleep. He shook his head and when he got near her, he could now see her face properly. He found her face mesmerizing, he stared for a few more seconds until he tried to wake her up. "Hey. Look, I'm sorry for kicking you off the bed. Come on let's go up and you can sleep on my bed." He tried for a few more minutes, shaking her awake but to no avail. He huffed and decided to just carry her back to the room.

Walking up the stairs and to the room, he looked down at her and saw how peaceful she looked in his arms. He smiled to himself and when he put her down on the bed, he lightly kissed her forehead. "Good night temporary bedmate." He said.

This chapter was from the creative juices of MizAgustD and psyche23

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