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Yoongi arrived at the house. He could hear some of the guys in the kitchen and when he appeared, there was a collective sigh from them. "Good, you're finally here." Namjoon said as he got a bottle of water.

"What's going on?" He asked to no one in particular but feeling the energy in the room, he knew that he won't get an answer up until they started the meeting.

"Should we discuss it here or somewhere else?" Jin asked, looking at Namjoon.

"I think it would be better if we all move to the living area." Hoseok said, Jin nodded at this and stood up from his chair and led the way to the couches. Yoongi frowned because he's still clueless at what is happening and the reason for the sudden urge for them to have a meeting.

The maknae line sat on one of the couches and they huddled together but kept quiet. Obviously knowing what this is all about. Namjoon and Jin sat in the middle couch and Hoseok sat on the last couch, leaving Yoongi to stay beside him. The atmosphere was serious and Yoongi knew that this would be something that would be affecting all of them.

He waited patiently for someone to start but when a few minutes has passed and no one is still talking, he got annoyed. "Look, if this is such a serious matter, why won't you guys start talking about it?" He asked, looking at their eldest who shrugged his shoulders.

He eyed Jungkook shift in his place and felt Hoseok sit up straighter in his seat. "Joon, I think you would be the one who can better start this, I don't think I could." Hoseok said, Yoongi then looked at Namjoon who cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses.

"Right. Before anything else, I want everyone to have an open mind regarding the issue that we are going to discuss. Let us be adults here and remind yourselves to not fight, not think with our dicks and to be honest. One thing that I would also ask you is to give each one a chance to say their mind, do not interrupt. Are we clear?" He looked around the guys and they all nodded their agreement, clearly not wanting to speak up just yet.

"Now, we are all here to discuss a topic that I think is troubling all, if not, some of us. I myself would say that it has affected me. I'm sure all of you have questions, but the thing is, we wouldn't be able to answer everything just yet. It could be nothing or it could be everything, it could affect us or not." Namjoon started, but Yoongi couldn't take it anymore.

"Can you just please tell me the main reason we are here?" He said impatiently.

Namjoon looked at him, he knows that the older guy is one that is direct and frank and he knew as well that he was already rambling, because truthfully, he didn't know how to go about it. "Georgina." He said simply.

Yoongi nodded at this, he already had an inkling that it's their newest housemate. "What about her?"

"Hyung," Hoseok started.

"No, I want to know what is troubling all of you?" Yoongi said, looking around, "From what I've gathered with what Namjoon is spouting, all of you are greatly affected by her and that you want to do something about it. It's either you're planning to seduce her or court her. Is it a relationship that you're after or are you just thinking of fucking her?" The tone of his voice was calm and yet the guys winced at his words.

"Hyung, it's nothing like that." Taehyung started. "I must admit, this is something that I've been thinking about since I met her. At first, I wanted to have her underneath me, but as I got to know her, I feel something that I can't describe. It's more than just wanting to fuck her, as you so rudely said it."

"I don't think Yoongi hyung wanted to sound rude about it, I guess it's just how things really are." Jimin said quietly, trying to stop any arguments with the words that were being said. "Me too, I'll be honest, I want her. Not just for that part, that would be good too, but I want her as someone that I could cuddle with, someone that I can be sweet with."

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