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JONATHAN LOOK AT HIS uniform neatly folded on his bed as he came back from the bathroom,gone are the days he look forward to school,he regrets making the worst friends and also wished he never had met Joy,maybe just maybe nothing would have happened to her,he felt guilty for her death but he didn't know why? Why he felt so guilty for something inevitable

He took his uniform wearing them and doing the rest of his morning rituals,he went to the dining room to meet Anna slowly taking her breakfast and smiled at her,they ate silently before the trio left for school,Jonah was about entering the car when James hold his hand stopping him from entering the car and Jonah turned back to look at him

"What's up?" He asked

"Big bro,I know how you feel and I know it's hard on you but please,you have to keep going"James said and for the first time since Joy was pronounced dead,Jonah smiled genuinely

"Thanks lil bro"Jonah said ruffling his hair and James frown trying to make his hair look good again

They entered the car going to school and Jonah knew a lot had changed for him,he had lost his girlfriend and lost his two best friends,they were never truly a good friends from the start so that didn't bothered him much,they stepped out of the car and James ran after his friends while Anna stopped Jonah from walking further

"We have a lot to talk about"Anna said and Jonah nodded

"I know"he replied before they went their separate ways,he went to the class and all the students came to send their condolences,he was surprised that his mates knew he was dating Joy and also he didn't like their condolences proving further Joy is dead,he didn't want to believe it,he had a nagging feeling behind him that Joy is well and breathing

He went to his seat which he occupied with Dami, Dami wasn't in school yet and Jonah didn't mind,he never truly liked the boy and wondered why his sister decided to date him

He rested his head on his desk feeling weak, everyone went out for the assembly but he didn't,he remained in his class and slept off,till he heard the teacher came and the three classes they had they all talked about Joy disappearance,he almost snapped at them,they should stop saying she's gone,he didn't want to believe it and they had the guts! They had the guts to place her picture in the front of the class with a big italic RIP written on it,this were killing him,it was too much for him,he had never desire to rip out a picture like the way he feels right now but he didn't,he didn't do anything till the bell was rang for break period

He needed to see Ray and Gideon,he needed to congratulate them for succeeding in what ever they planned on doing and luckily for him as he pull out of the class he saw them leaning on the wall laughing with a junior students who went all shy,Jonah started bubbling how dare them laugh! How dare them look happy when Joy is gone! Joy! Oh Joy!

He went closer to them and on cue the junior student left and he look at his ex best friends and chuckled

"Congratulations Ray! Congratulations Gideon! You won! Joy is dead,now you guys are happy and Dorcas have woke up Mr lover boy,you girl is awake, whatever we had I knew you guys know for a long time now is gone"Jonah said Ray faced hardened

"You felt it right? That is what I felt when Dorcas was shot! You see how it feels,just because you think you're handsome and girls revolve around you doesn't mean you mean a shit,I don't wish the girl death I just wanted you to feel what I felt and sadly she was the pawn of the game"Ray said and Jonah got angry punching Ray on the face who in turn laughed wiping away a blood stain on his lips

"I hate you!"Jonah shouted before matching away and mistakenly hit Bisi who in turn he grabbed and pushed her to the floor,Bisi whimpered at the impact of the pain

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