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Tina-and I'm the one who's going to let her know!!

Tina heads to Riley who was doing kat's hair, followed by Dart running behind her:

Tina-Riley!! Dart likes you!!

Riley froze with a blushing face, as Dart stands there blushing as well:

Riley-Is that true?

Riley stands up and runs over to Dart kissing him:

Riley-I like you too! If you don't mind...would you be my boyfriend?
Dart-It would a honor, really it would

They kissed again and everyone cheered:

Tina-Now Kony's turn!
Everyone but Kat and Tony-YESSS
Kony-A-what now?
Everyone else-Just forget it

They all laughed

Ask and Dare the ryguyrocky kidsWhere stories live. Discover now