So what are we?

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The next day Ian walk out of his house he saw Seoul waiting for him by the fence.

"Seoul what are you doing here"

He walked up to Seoul but he puched him against the fence with his face close to Ians.


Ian looked at him in confusion


" You dont remeber our promise "

" what? when did we make a promise?"

" Dont act dumb"


" You said we would find eatch others again"


" You me and Aera in the orphanage"

" You remeber me?"

" Yeah dumb ass "

Seoul starting hugging Ian.

"I missed you so much" Seoul said sobing

" I missed you two"

" I-I love you Ian"


Seoul stebt back and looked Ian in the eyes

" I love you Young-il, I had a crush on you seens the orpanage"

Ian looked at Seoul crying and hugged him.

" I love you too Seoul"

Ian took Seouls hand and they started walking to school together.

They meet Ji-hoon at school that ran up so they screaming in exatment.

"Y-you are HOLDING HANDS" he said staring at their hands

" mhm" Ian said hiding his face behind his other hand.

"Soooo are you together?????" Ji-hoon said happy

Seoul looked at Ian and then back at Ji-hoon

"Yeah hes my boyfriend" Seoul answerd

Ian burried his face in Seouls cheast of imbaressment.

"Awwww I always shipped you from the first day at school"

" YOU WHAT" Ian screamed at Ji-hoon


" aww baby dont be mad at him" he said and lifted Ians head from his chest looking into his eyes.

Ian froze and blussed

" GEEEZ GET A ROOM " Ji-hoon interupted

They all started laughing at Ji-hoons comment

After a week they went home to Seoul so he could meet Aera again and inteduse him as his boyfriend

"Im home "

"Seoul!" A little boy screamed runing up hugging a teddy bear

"Hey Alex" Seoul said picking up the toddler

" Who is he?" He said pointing at Ian

" Thats Ian"

"Hi" Ian said and waved at the kid

Ian isnt very good with kids or toddlers he always make them cry or run away so he was suprised when the toddler waved back smiling.

"Hi Ian!"

"Aera!" Seould screamed for his sister to come

" yes Seoul?... Ian??!"


"Ian! " she ran up and hugged him

" Hi"

"Awww I missed youuu"

"missed u too"

" Aera when is mom home?" Seoul asked

" Ah she is in the kicthen already " Aera answerd


" And Seoul... Dads coming home today"

" great" Seoul said little mad

"mom" Seoul said walking into the kicthen Ian folloing short after.

" Yes son?"

"uhhh so... yeahh uhh mom"


" This is Ian... hes my boyfriend.."

" Seoul?"

Seouls mom looked at him and walked up to him. Seoul got sceard thinking she would hit her.


" Im so happy for you" she said and hugged both of the boys

" will dad be angry?"

"I will talk to him honey dont worry"

The boy from the orphanageWhere stories live. Discover now